em combined to open up a whole new world to her.

So food can be cooked like this! Firis’ eyes lit up further and further as she ate.
This was her first time sharing a meal with these people, so she should’ve been more reserved and polite, but she simply couldn’t control her chopsticks as they carried one piece of fish after another into her mouth.
It was almost as if stopping for even a single instant would be sacrilegious to such a delicious dish.

Everyone at the table simply looked on with amusement in their eyes, and they weren’t irked in the slightest by her sloppy table manners.

The had the pleasure of enjoying these delicious dishes every single day, yet even they struggled to maintain a semblance of good table manners, let alone someone who was tasting these dishes for the first time.


After devouring the fish until there was only an empty skeleton left, Firis finally heaved a long sigh.
A blush then appeared on her face as she came to realize that she’d eaten almost the entire fish by herself, and she hung her head in a guilty manner as she said, “I’m sorry… It was… It was too delicious, so I couldn’t help myself…”

“That’s alright, we’re glad you enjoyed it, Big Sister Firis.
Also, you’ll grow if you eat more,” Amy said with a smile as she glanced at Firis’ chest.

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Everyone also turned to appraise Firis’ chest with contemplative expressions on their faces.

“…” Firis was at a loss for how to respond.
Amy was clearly trying to console her, but why did it feel like an insult?

Mag smiled as he said, “You have to make sure to eat until you’re full.
I’ll normally try to cook according to how much everyone eats, but if there’s not enough of a dish, I can just cook more, so you don’t have to worry about everyone else missing out on the fish.”

“That’s right.
You look really adorable when you’re eating, Firis,” Miya also said with a warm smile on her face.

“I’m full.” Babla placed her spoon down with a nod.

“Can I begin cleaning up now?” Sally had also put down her chopsticks, and was appraising Firis with a gentle smile on her face.

A surge of warmth suddenly flowed through Firis’ heart at the sight of everyone’s benevolent expressions.
She had been an orphan for as long as she could remember, and the only people who had ever been good to her were the princess and Snarr, that latter of which she only met once in a while.
Aside from that, she had rarely ever experienced kindness from others.

However, here in this restaurant, she felt loved by everyone, and it was an extremely pleasant and warm feeling.
She was like a little bird who had lost her way after coming to Chaos City, but she suddenly felt a sense of belonging here.

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“Thank you, everyone.” Firis stood up and extended a deep bow to everyone, then turned to Mag, and said, “I’ll definitely work hard.
If possible, I’d like to start today.”

“Today?” Mag looked into Firis’ determined eyes and hesitated momentarily before nodding as he said, “You can watch me cook during the lunch service, and I’ll get you to prepare some of the ingredients required for the dinner service.
As for whether you’ll be able to cook the dishes on your own in the future, that will be down to your ability and the amount of effort you put in.”

“I’ll be sure to work hard!” An elated smile appeared on Firis’ face before she nodded in a solemn manner.
After tasting Mag’s incredible cooking, she’d already completely cast aside her pride as one of the best elven chefs of the Wind Forest, and she was determined to learn how to cook truly delicious food from Mag.
After honing her cooking skills here, she could cook for the princess and the young mistress as well, and they would surely also enjoy this cooking.

“Hold on, I’ll grab a work uniform for you.” Mag rose to his feet, then turned to Sally and the others, and said, “You can all begin preparing for the lunch service now.”

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