a while.
I’m very tired.
You can leave.” Mo Rao turned around with her back facing Fu Ying and said calmly.

Fu Ying stood by the bed and didn’t speak, but he didn’t leave.

Mo Rao’s ears had been paying attention to his footsteps.
She was very sure that he had not left.
Why did he stay here?

At this moment, the sound of clothes being taken off could be heard.

After Fu Ying took off his clothes, he went straight to bed.

Mo Rao finally turned around and looked at the man lying beside her, her eyes filled with displeasure.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you going to accompany the person you should be accompanying? As for me, Gu Hai is enough.”

“I’m your husband.
Who does he think he is?” Fu Ying was unhappy.

“He’s not my husband, but he knows me better than my husband and spends more time with me.
Fu Ying, don’t you think that anyone around me knows me better than you?” Mo Rao felt very sad.

Fu Ying didn’t like the sarcasm in Mo Rao’s tone.
He was angry again.
“Mo Rao, who do you think you are?”

“Who am I? I’m going to be your ex-wife soon.
Are you satisfied?” Mo Rao looked at Fu Ying coldly.

“Are you giving me a hard time on purpose?” Fu Ying’s expression darkened.

“I didn’t.
You deliberately came to find trouble with me.
Don’t you know that I don’t want to see you? Fu Ying, what do you take me for? A dog that can be summoned and dismissed at will? Have you ever respected me?” Mo Rao was even a little agitated when she said this.

Fu Ying knew why she was angry.
He pursed his lips and said calmly, “But I’ve already called Gu Hai to pick you up.”

This was already an apology.
He had already given her an out.

During the few days of fighting with Mo Rao, Fu Ying had been waiting for her to take the initiative to reconcile.

Because this was the way they usually interacted.

In the past, whenever there was a conflict, Mo Rao would take the initiative to admit her mistake and beg for forgiveness.

She would even take the initiative in bed and let him do whatever he wanted so that he wouldn’t be so angry.

But this time, it was different.
Mo Rao stopped contacting him and didn’t admit her mistake.
It was as if she had completely fallen out with him.

This made Fu Ying feel very uneasy.
He had originally planned to talk to Mo Rao on the way back after picking her up to attend Old Madam Qu’s birthday banquet.

Unexpectedly, Mo Rao didn’t come at all.

Because of this, Fu Ying wasn’t in the mood.
Qu Ru, who wanted to use his identity to show off, also sensed that his mood wasn’t right.
She could only endure it to avoid getting into trouble.

Thank you for reading on myboxnovel.com

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