nge something else.”


 “Lady Odette must have been a much richer lady than I expected.” 


“It’s all thanks to the captain’s consideration.”




I am greatly benefiting from the savings on the tea the other day.
I don’t think I will have to worry about jewelry and dresses until the play is over.”


Odette’s brightly smiling eyes shone coldly.


Understanding the prickly joke, Bastian laughed out loud.
It must have been revenge for the disgrace she suffered that day, but it was not a bad provocation.
Although it didn’t seem to be getting the desired result.


“It’s fortunate that the tea money is being spent on something far more valuable than the Duke’s gamble.”


“Since it’s the money I was supposed to pay the captain, I’m going to use it for the captain’s benefits.”


“Next time, I’ll have to treat you to a nice meal.
So that the lady can save more money.”


“I’m sorry, but I am going to decline that offer.”




Bastian, who had been responding with natural jokes, narrowed his brows.


“I would not wish to incur a debt that is outside the scope of repayment.”


“I would never by any chance have to sell such a noble woman in exchange for a debt.”


“Considering the memory of the first day I met Captain, I don’t believe it very much.”


A small smile escaped from Bastian’s lips as he looked down at Odette, who was taking jabs at every turn.
All the members of the blue blood family had stiff necks, but Lady Odette did not seem to be defeated by anyone.
In fact, she had a very long, slender neck for a woman.
As the night deepened, the lights grew more brilliantly.


They continued their waltz with each other in their light-tinted eyes.


Even when Odette averted her gaze from time to time, Bastian continued to stare deeply and calmly.
It was towards the end of the dance that the commotion from the other side of the hall reached them.


Bastian turned his head towards the source of the murmur.
A woman was staggering among the guests who had stopped dancing in astonishment.


It was the princess, the culprit of the marriage proposal.




“There they are!”


A shout close to a scream rang out, and at the same time, the princess dug in between the two.
It happened in a flash.


“I know you do this to get out of your life as a rat in the gutter.
You’re a beggar.
You have no pride.”


Isabelle, standing with her back to Bastian, stubbornly began to pounce on Odette. 


“This woman is seducing you for money! She’s nothing more than a cortisan!”


Isabelle threw the ornamental comb in her hand.
It had been worn by Odette earlier.


Isabelle grabbed Odette’s hair with even more ferocity, as if that wasn’t enough to relieve her anger.
Bastian’s mouth twitched into a twisted sneer as he watched.
It was an abomination, but she deserves credit for the guts she took to attack Odette with all her might, even as her body staggered with drunkenness.


“Calm down, Your Highness.”


Bastian, who easily pushed Isabelle away, blocked Odette’s body.


“Don’t tell me you love that woman.”


Isabelle, unable to overcome her wrath, eventually burst into tears.
In the meantime, Odette, who had caught her breath, slowly approached the place where the fragments of the broken jeweled comb were scattered.


“Look at that snob who is still blinded by jewels! Huh?”


Isabelle, who found Odette picking up the pieces, lashed out at her.
Even in the midst of that, Odette calmly focused on what she had to do.
She was so calm that gave people goosebumps.


“You’re drunk.”


Bastian stopped Isabelle with a more determined attitude.


“I love you.”


The princess, who was looking up at him blankly, whispered.
It was a look that perfectly met the definition of a drunkard.


“I’d rather let the whole world know about this love! That would be better than losing you like this.”


Isabelle burst into tears again and hugged Bastian.
The smell of alcohol was so strong that it made his head hurt.


Bastian, erasing his youthful sneer from his mouth, politely pushed away the princess who was clinging to him.
But Isabelle was as desperate as a person on the edge of a cliff.


Neck and chin.
The lower lip.


The princess, who had risen with all her strength, began to press her lips to Bastian’s at random.


When he turned his head to avoid the abomination, the imperial throne was in his line of vision.
There was just a brief commotion there as well, as the empress collapsed from shock.


The imperial couple eventually left earlier than planned.
The orchestra, which had been playing nonstop, stopped playing, and the banquet hall was enveloped in a cold silence.


This spring’s ball at the imperial palace seemed to have come to an inglorious end.
It was an impressive entry into society in many ways.


Bastian’s staring, downcast eyes examined the chaos that the imperial princess had wrought.
A quiet smile broke out from his face, which had been as insensitive as watching someone else’s misfortune, the moment he discovered the Klauswitz in contemplation.


They were at a loss, afraid that this might spark a fire.
The circumstances of Franz, who was keeping an eye on his fiancée’s family like a missing bird, were not much different.


Bastian, who met with his angry father’s eyes, conveyed his deepest consolation and encouragement with a light nod.
And again, he turned his head without much haste.
The emperor’s daughter was still begging for his love with a messy face.


It was a tearful and elegant tragedy.

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