t to slap himself again.

Aiyo, what do you mean by “mother”? I should say “aunt” now.

Since Jiang Yu appeared, the four of them naturally couldn’t sit still.
An Yimin wanted to care about Zhao Jiande who was still on stage, but he was too excited to see Jiang Yu.
He couldn’t control himself and walked straight to the back door.

Since An Yimin had already walked over, the other three naturally wouldn’t sit idle either.

The four of them had been sitting in the last row, close to the back door.
No one would notice if they all walked out.

However, Zhao Jiande, who was standing at the podium, could see everything going on in the classroom, so he also noticed Jiang Yu’s arrival.
He couldn’t help but gape and stare outside the classroom in a daze.

Zhao Jiande suddenly stopped speaking.
The other parents followed his line of sight and looked out in surprise.
They saw the girl that had appeared on the screen not more than ten minutes ago now appeared in front of them.

This was the little girl who was ranked first in the grade.
She was really good-looking.
She was even more beautiful up close!

Wait a minute…

Why were all four of them leaving?

Did they all know each other, or… were they all her guardians?

If they were all her guardians, that would be a little… over the top…

Forget it, forget it.
She was ranked first in the grade, so what if she was a little over top? After all, she was a genius child, so it was understandable.

Jiang Yu, who was surrounded by a few people, pursed her lips.

She knew who this was.

This was her adoptive father.

She didn’t have the memories of the original owner of this body, so she didn’t know what it was like to live with An Yimin’s family.

That was why, after she passed through, she had just followed the plot of the book and didn’t think of contacting her adoptive parents.

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