hen, I will open all of them this time.”

“What?! Open all the testing gates? Are you serious?” The guard was surprised.

“Well, I will give it a try,” Allan said.

“Allan let me push it first, I want to see the result of my training.” Gon said suddenly.

“Well, you can go first.” Allan agreed as he was a little curious about Gon’s power as well.

Gon put his hands on the Testing gate ready to push and said: “Last time I opened the third gate using all of my power, this time, I want to open five.”

Gon released his Nen and strengthened his body to its peak before pushing the gates.

The first gate opened, then the second, the third, the fourth, and finally, the fifth gate opened.

After reaching his goal, Gon finally stopped and sat on the ground, breathing heavily.

Gon managed to open the fifth testing gate, but he consumed too much of his Nen by doing so.

“You have improved a lot since last time,” Allan said.

The guard looked at Gon in surprise as he couldn’t imagine someone so young to be able to do this, except for Master Killua himself.

“As expected of Master Killua’s friend, he isn’t an ordinary person.” The guard whispered.

“I will go next then.”

Allan walked to the testing gate which was closing slowly after Gon opened the fifth gate.

Allan pushed the first, second, and third gates easily.

At the fourth gate, Allan got serious.

When he reached the fifth gate, he started using Nen and opened it before taking advantage of the momentum to push the sixth gate open.

Only the seventh gate was left, which was two hundred and fifty-sex tons.

Allan was using his full power and the last gate started rumbling and was finally pushed open.

Both Gon and the guard looked in shock with wide-open eyes.

“You… Actually managed to open all the testing gates.” The guard looked at Allan as if he was a monster with eyes full of shock.

Even Gon felt a little disbelief at Allan’s power.

He suddenly realized something and thought: ‘Is surpassing Allan something that can be done?’

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