nter>“I wonder… could you clean this whole room?”
“I can try.”
I imagine every inch of the room becoming immaculately clean.

Usually I close my eyes when I’m doing this, but there’s actually no reason I can’t leave them open, right?
Honestly, I just like closing them because I’m scared that the spell will fail and nothing will happen.
But I’m actually quite curious what it looks like when I’m casting a spell.
So this time I keep my eyes open as I snap my fingers and I imagine all traces of dust and filth being removed from the room as I do.
New novel chapters are published on light_nov_elworld.com
The moment my fingers connect in that crisp snap, the room is instantly enveloped in a sort of sparkling aura.
How beautiful.
The whole room is glittering so wonderfully……

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The aura spans the entire room, encompassing the chairs, the desk, and even the bed in its sparkly glow.
And as quick as it came, it vanishes.
So I’m actually capable of doing this sort of thing…..
They’re my own abilities, but even I feel a tinge of surprise.
But since it’s something of this magnitude, I should be able to toot my own horn at least a little bit, right? I mean, I can hardly recognize this place now.
It’s like the room that I’ve been visiting all these years was a lie.
From the stained and yellowed window to the thick layer of dust covering the ceiling and surfaces to the unbearably grimy bed, everything now looks sparkly clean.
And to think that by merely cleaning the room, even the air in here feels completely different.
Instead of the putrid, stagnate stench that I’ve grown accustomed to, it’s now amazingly fresh and breathable.
“The air has been purified.
And even the dark atmosphere feels lighter and brighter now.
How incredible,” Grandpa Will praises and I glow under the compliment.
I feel like I’m going to have a good dream tonight.
T/N: Okay, Alicia.
Now all you have to do is find a reason why a villainess would purify a whole village! Maybe….
the smell and dirt are beneath you! You will purify it because a villainess of your stature shouldn’t have to frequent a disgusting place like this, right? XD Who needs to wait for a saintess that is already this miserably late!?
New novel chapters are published on light_nov_elworld.com

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