s, you can’t just remove the visibly dead parts, you also need to remove a good deal of the areas around it in order to completely eradicate the disease.

That means I can’t just amputate below the knee….
I’ll probably have to remove part of her thigh as well.

My sword seems to be my only option for performing the amputation.
But, if I cut off her leg without giving her any sort of anesthetic, she’ll likely die from shock due to the excruciating pain.

Didn’t that book say that darkness magic combines both healing and destruction?

Right, wasn’t there a spell to destroy skin tissue….?

No, that won’t help.

Think, Alicia, think! You need to be smart about this or else she’s dead.

…..There was a spell that can nullify pain for 10 seconds….
But there’s no way 10 seconds is long enough to remove her leg, right? Well, even if I can somehow amputate it that fast, once the spell wears off the pain will come rushing in and I’ll still have the same problem.

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I guess no matter what I do, pain is going to be an issue.

Besides that, I also need to worry about how to stop her from bleeding out.

……There is a spell that can connect things together at the cellular level…..
But I wonder if it will work on blood vessels and arteries.
Since I’ve never had the chance to try it before, I’m not sure.
But I don’t have any other means to stop the bleeding, so I guess I’ll have to make it work.

I take out my sword and disinfect it in the water.

I suppose I should take this opportunity to clean off my cloak as well.

I cast a cleansing spell on it and watch as the bloodstains and dirt evaporate off of it.

Alright! With this, everything is ready.

“What are you going to do?”

Ignoring Gilles’s question, I throw a hard, concise punch into the woman’s abdomen, making her pass out.

It’s for the best that she doesn’t watch her own leg being cut off.

I stand over her and grip my sword, taking in a slow, even breath.

The next 10 seconds will mean the difference between success and failure, life and death.
And I can’t afford to fail.
I need to finish this in one shot.

I focus all of my strength on my sword.
And as I do so, I can feel my heart start to beat faster.

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Calm down.
You can do this… You will do this.
Everything is going to be fine.

I suck in a sharp breath and immediately after I snap my fingers and raise my sword.
With all my strength I swing it down in a huge, fluid arc.

With a thud, the woman’s right leg falls to the ground.
Blood spurts everywhere, gushing out of the wound.

I snap my fingers once again and gradually the flow of blood begins to slow.


Before all the spells had been completed, the woman regains consciousness.
It seems that my 10 seconds are up.
It’ll become a huge problem if she starts struggling now.

“Gilles! Hold her down!” I yell and Gilles instantly throws himself forward, leveraging his weight down onto her shoulders to keep her still.

“AGHHH! It hurts! Agh! Make it stop! It hurts! It hurts!”

Your leg was chopped off, so of course it hurts.

After confirming that the bleeding had completely stopped, I slice my cloak into long strips and begin binding her leg with them.

“Help me! Please! It hurts! It hurts so much! Please! Agh!”

“Ugh, for goodness’ sake, you’re so loud! Weren’t you the one who asked me to save you? If you want to live, you’ll have to bear with at least this much!”

I’ve said this many times before, but I’m not a good person.
At a time like this, a saintess would be giving her words of encouragement, but I’m a villainess.
You definitely won’t hear any kind words from me.

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