
CH 39

Chiangyushien’s notes :

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Kindly keep in mind that this chapter hasn’t been proofread (neither chinese nor english) so there’s a big possibility for mistakes.
I do recommend you guys to read it again once it’s been proofread.

Author: Yin Ya

吃飯的地方是在他們第一次見面的那家圖騰會所,它不僅是娛樂場所,餐飲方面也有經營,而且口碑還不錯,就是價格比較貴,所以去那裡的都是一些有錢人。 The place they went to eat was Totem club, this is were they met for the first time.
It was only a entertainment venue, it was also a restaurant the reputation was not bad.
The price was relatively expensive, so it was generally rich people going there.

褚亦峰說的有人是指他的一個朋友,今天剛從帝都那邊過來,知道他在這裡就打電話約他出來,那人已經事先在圖騰的餐廳定了個包廂,用的卻是褚亦峰的名義,因為只有會員才能定包廂。 Chu Yifeng said that this someone was a friend of his and he had just returned from the imperial side today, and when he had called him out he knew that he was here.
The man had already booked a box in the restaurant at Totem in advance, although it was in Chu Yifeng’s name as only members could book a box.

侍者將他們帶到包廂門口才離去。 The waiter took them to the door of their box before leaving.

褚亦峰的朋友叫沈遠,長得很有特色,一看就是個風流多情的花花公子,一雙桃花眼隨時都會放電一樣,看到王成的時候很意外,顯然褚亦峰沒有跟他說還帶了個人,不過王成卻解讀出另一種驚訝。 Chu Yifeng’s friend was Shen Yuan, he looked special; he looked like a romantic and playboy with a pair of peach eyes.
When he saw Wang Cheng it was very unexpected, obviously Chu Yifeng did not tell him that he would bring him along, however Wang Cheng was interrupted by another surprise.

“不介紹一下這位朋友嗎?” “Don’t you want to introduce your friend?”

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沈遠饒有興趣的看著王成,很難想像褚亦峰竟然會主動帶一個陌生人來參加他們兩人的聚會,這可是從他認識褚亦峰到現在頭一次,簡直太稀奇了。 Shen Yuan looked at Wang Cheng with great interest.
It was hard to imagine that Chu Yifeng would take the initiative to bring a stranger to the two of theirs party.
This was a first from the time they met till now.

“他是王成,我的員工。”褚亦峰簡單的介紹。 “This is Wang Cheng, he is my staff.” Chu Yifeng gave a brief introduction.

“你好,希望沒有打擾到你。”王成禮貌的跟他打招呼,通常第一次見面的人他是不會立刻就在對方面前暴露他的真面目,厚臉皮那是要厚給熟人看才有效果的。 “Hello, I hope I did not bother you.” Wang Cheng polietly greeted him, usually the first time a person meets him he will not immediately expose his true face for the other to see.
His cheeky face should for the acquaintance for it to be effective.

“不會,你們能來我高興都來不及,人多才熱鬧,我叫沈遠,很高興認識你。”沈遠一雙眼睛盯在他身上,除了興趣還有探究,他可不相信這個叫王成的年輕人僅僅只是褚亦峰的員工。 “No, you can come in.
It is late and I am happy, I have been so busy.
My name is Shen Yuan.
I’m very glad to meet you.” Shen Yuan fixed his eyes on him.
Besides a general interest he did not believe that this young man called Wang Cheng was simply on of Chu Yifengs employees.

三人入座後,圖騰會所的侍者便將沈遠點的飯菜端上來了,滿滿的擺了一桌,雖然褚亦峰沒有提前與他打招呼,但是卻足夠三個人吃了。 After the three men were seated, a waiter from the Totem club brought up the food Shen Yuan had order and placed them on the table, the table was full.
Although Chu Yifeng did not say hello to him in advance it was enough for the three people to eat.

王成開始比較客氣,因為褚亦峰的緣故,他算是蹭到一頓免費的豐盛晚餐,沒一會,褚亦峰反而看不下去了。 Wang Cheng began to be more polite for Chu Yifeng’s sake, after all this was a free and sumptuous dinner.
After a while Chu Yifeng couldn’t stand it anymore.

“你在幹什麼?” “What are you doing?”

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沈遠也看過來。 Shen Yuan also looked over.

王成的筷子夾著一隻蝦,平時他都是直接用手剝蝦,這次為了裝,他沒有動手,而是用筷子吃,吃得特別艱難,期間恨不得摔了筷子,但是想到對面是老闆的朋友,他就忍了,旁人卻是忍不了。 Wang Cheng’s chopsticks had a shrimp sandwiched between them, usually he would directly strip the shrimp by hand.
This time, for the sake this he would endure as such instead used his chopsticks to eat it.
He did find that it was particularly hard to eat.
He couldn’t wait to drop the chopsticks but he though the boss would be the opposite.
Friends he could endure, but with other he could not stand it.

“吃蝦啊!”王成回得很有怨念。 “Eat shrimp!” Wang Cheng was very resentful.

“你平時都這麼吃蝦嗎?”褚亦峰絕不相信。 “Do you usually eat shrimp like this?” Chu Yifeng would never believe it.

王成自己也不相信,他以前跟老和尚一起吃飯,兩人都是搶著菜吃的,說到吃蝦,因為蝦的數目偶爾是奇數,所以兩人爭來爭去都練出一手剝殼的絕活,“當然不。”要不是顧忌到老闆的面子,他犯得著這麼虐待自己麼。 Wang Cheng himself did not believe that he would eat shrimp like this with the old monk.
Both of them were always rushing to eat food.
When it came to eating shrimp, because the number of shrimps were occasionally odd, so the two would fight each other to practice unique hand shelling techniques.
“Of course no.” If not for the boss’s sake he would not be so abrasive.

“那就正常一點,平時臉皮不是挺厚的。” “Eat it normally, usually the skin is not very thick.”

“這可是老闆你說的啊,那我就不客氣的。”王成立刻放下筷子,上司都發話了,他幹嘛還要裝。 “If the boss has said so then I will not be rude.” Wang Cheng set down his chopsticks, the boss had spoken, why should he still endure.

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聽完兩人對話的沈遠終於有點明白為什麼好友會對王成另眼相看,敢情這個小子本身就是個有意思的人,而且聽好友的意思,兩人似乎不僅僅是老闆與員工那麼簡單,平時肯定還有工作之外的接觸。 After listening to the conversation between the two people Shen Yuan finally understood why his friend would look at Wang Cheng.
He is a very interesting person and he listens to his friends.
They seemed to be more than just a boss and employee too, they must have contact outside of work.

吃完飯,褚亦峰和王成直接離開了。 After dinner, Chu Yifeng and Wang Cheng left directly.

沈遠本來想約他們去酒吧玩,不過被褚亦峰拒絕了,他也不著急,來日方長,原本只想停留兩天左右,現在他決定留到打聽出兩人的關係那天為止。 Shen Yuan originally wanted to ask them to go to a bar and play but was rejected by Chu Yifeng.
He was not in a hurry.
Originally he only wanted to stay for two days or so but now he had decided to stay longer until the day he could find out what the relationship between the two was.

“老闆,你的朋友真熱情。” “Boss, your friend is really enthusiastic.”

車上,王成對褚亦峰這樣形容沈遠,一個略冷,對人對事都有種不鹹不淡的感覺,一個熱情過火,笑眯眯的仿佛跟什麼樣的人都能玩到一塊去,實則卻是不可能交心的那種人,兩人竟然會是朋友,王成還真有點驚訝。 In the car Wang Cheng described Shen Yuan to Chu Yifeng as slightly cold and that he felt that he was not salty or light, that he was too enthusiastic and laughed a lot, he seemed to be able to play a smile.
It is this kind of person that is hard to see what is at heart.
That the two of them could be friends really surprised Wang Cheng.

“他只是對我帶去的人好奇罷了。”褚亦峰聽他用熱情形容沈遠,想到的反而是沒心沒肺四個字,它就是旁人用來形容沈遠的。 “He was just curious about the person I brought with me.” Chu Yifeng listened to him with enthusiasm as he described Shen Yuan and could only think of four heartless words, that were used by other people to describe Shen Yuan.”

“老闆,你的朋友好奇心也太重了。”王成說道。 “Boss, your friend’s curiosity is too much.” Wang Cheng said.

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褚亦峰似想到什麼,眼中閃過一絲笑意,卻沒有回話。 Chu Yifeng though of this and a smile flashed in his eyes, although he did not reply.

到了寧靜社區,王成等褚亦峰停好車才一起上去,寧靜社區的公寓不全都有十八層樓高,他們所在的B棟是樓層數最多的,從十八樓的陽臺往下看,幾乎可以看到大片景色,夜晚的時候景色更美,王成有好幾次躺在陽臺的籐椅上都差點睡著了。 The the quiet community, Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng car had stopped and the to went up together.
The apartments in the quiet community were not all 18 stories high, it was simply B building where they were located that had the largest number of floors.
Looking down from the balcony on the 18th floor, you could almost see everything in such a large scenery, and the scenery was even more beautiful at night.
Wang Cheng had almost fallen asleep on the wicker chairs lying on the balcony several times.

到了十八樓,王成與褚亦峰道了聲晚安,剛要進去就被叫住了。 On the 18th floor, Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng said good night, just as he was about to enter was was stopped.

“手機號碼是多少?”褚亦峰掏出手機。 “What is your cell phone number?” Chu Yifeng took out his cell phone.

王成愣了一下才把最近剛背熟起來的號碼念給他,幾秒後,他的手機響了,一個陌生號碼打進來,毫無疑問是褚亦峰。 Wang Cheng took a moment to read the number he had just hooked up.
After a few seconds his cell phone rang and a strange number came in, no doubt it was Chu Yifeng.

“這是我的號碼,存好,以後有事聯繫。” “This is my number save it and I will contact you later.”

“哦。”王成存下他的號碼,他的手機除了家人的號碼,現在又多了一個褚亦峰,少得可憐,他卻覺得挺好的,“好了,老闆,明天見。” “Oh.” Wang Cheng saved his number, his cell phone other than his family now had Chu Yifeng’s number.
He was very pitiful but he felt very good.”Well, Boss, see you tomorrow.”

Chu Yifeng watched him enter through the door before returning to his apartment.


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