eryone hurried back to their seats.

With both hands on the table, Naoto announced, “Settle down, everyone.
Your final exams are tomorrow, so I hope you’ll do your best.
Both Tonan and Kakashi have applied for early graduation.
The two of you will take your exams in the grade three’s classroom.
Don’t be late.
The school will end early today, so go home and rest up.”

“Burn on, youth!” As soon as Naoto left the room, Guy rushed out.
From the looks of it, he was going to fulfill his promise of running 500 laps in the field.

“The exam is tomorrow.
Do you want to go for dinner this evening? I heard a new ramen restaurant opened up in the shopping street.
They say it’s very good.”

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“Good luck, Kakashi!”

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“See you, Tonan-kun!”

When almost everyone had left, Kakashi got up and came to Tonan, passing him a scroll, and said, “Here, it’s inside.”

Tonan smiled and accepted it.
The scroll contained something that would greatly increase his sense of security.

“Thanks, Kakashi.
How much?” Tonan took out his wallet and asked.

Kakashi lazily put both hands behind his head, and replied, “No need.”

Tonan put on a serious face and earnestly said, “Kakashi, do you see me as your friend?”

“What… what are you asking me that for?” Kakashi blushed and turned his head aside.

“If you think of me as your friend, then take the money.
Friends help each other when they’re in need.
They don’t leech off each other even if those things are not important to you.”

Tonan slipped cash into Kakashi’s hand.
Kakashi looked down at the thick wad of money and froze.

“I won’t feel good if you don’t take it, and I don’t think I could bring myself to trouble you again in the future.”

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“Annoying.” Kakashi carelessly stuffed the money into his pocket and asked in a seemingly casual tone, “Are you coming to my house?” There seemed to be a hint of enticement in his voice…

Seeing Kakashi accept the money, Tonan narrowed his eyes in a smile, and replied, “No, I’m planning to rest up at home today.”

Once he returned home, Tonan shut the front gates and went to his room.
He opened the scroll, and after forming a few seals, he placed his palm on it.


White smoke rose, and the objects sealed inside the scroll appeared before him.
Tonan made an inventory.
Three damage-proof Explosion Tags, four Fuma (wind demon) Shuriken, two fuel barrels, chakra wire, and a barrel of quick-setting cement.

These things may not seem much, but they were expensive and not something the average person could afford.
Especially the three damage-proof Explosion Tags and the chakra wire.

A chunin may be able to afford it because they could earn enough in just a few missions.
But he spent almost half of his parents’ death benefits on this.
Most of these things were considered controlled products that only ninja could buy.

Of course, if Tonan really wanted to buy them, he could also purchase them from the clan.
But he was worried he might draw Hiruzen’s misunderstanding and sour their ambiguous relationship.

Fortunately, though, he had a good brother like Kakashi.
He figured that the latter must have asked Hatake Sakumo to buy these for him.
There was also the possibility of course that Kakashi took them directly from his home.

Tonan began attaching the chakra wire to the Fuma Shuriken, as well as to the several kunai.
After connecting them, he sealed the weapons into a storage scroll.

Once the sky turned dark, he moved the rest of the things into his courtyard.
At the same time, the white pigeons lurking around the house activated the Sharingan to avoid anyone from discovering what was happening in the courtyard.

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