nestly, the rewards were very small compared to the battle required, he seriously wished they would leave them alone.

(That said, they can’t understand our words.
I guess there’s no choice)

As he held the Death Scythe up……it became impossible to endure the tension, one of the wolves dashed out to attack Rei.
Tempted by it, the rest of the wolves also started to move, cries immediately rang out into the surrounding forest.


The moment the wolf kicked the ground and jumped up to attack Rei with its fangs, Set kicked it with his right forefoot.

Set was created with Rei’s vast magic power, in addition, he was now equipped with the magic item Bracelet of Herculean Strength.
Because it was hit by Set in that state, the wolf, which wasn’t even a monster, naturally couldn’t get away with it.
It raised a terrified cry as it was blown away.
Losing its head, the body collapsed to the ground dead.


As for Rei, he thrust out the handle of the Death Scythe at a wolf which had jumped at the same time.

Rei knew how high his physical ability was from the fight against the Water Bear, he was able to fight the wolf while giving himself a slight margin for error.


The handle of the Death Scythe that was thrust out pierced through the chest of the wolf.
Rei turned to face another wolf that attacked him, waving the handle with wolf stuck on it.
Naturally, the body of the wolf that had been pierced flew off and hit the wolf that jumped at him felling both.


Set fired a water ball to secure the final blow.
Though it’s power is low compared with the Water Bear, it still had enough power to reap the lives of the wolves.

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「Three left.
Set, we’ll finish them in one go!」

Set gave a sharp cry at Rei’s words, one person and one animal moved forward at the same time.


As expected, after half of them died, the rest became cautious, the last 3 surrounded Rei.
However, they still showed no sign of retreat.


Set created another water ball.
He fired it to restrain the wolves, the wolves were divided into groups of two and one.
Rei thrust out.
Shifting the Death Scythe to his left hand, he pulled the Mithril Knife with his right hand from his waist.


The wolf Rei aimed for sprung up to meet him.
It aimed for the neck.
From its long hunting experience, it knew that the person would die if it bit there.

「Let’s do this!」

It’s mouth opened, the knife in Rei’s right hand was stabbed in and the fangs of the wolf cut.

Wolf or dog, it could not close its mouth until it could get rid of the object stuck deep inside its throat.
Rei had done that because he knew.
As for the Mithril Knife, with Rei’s magic power, it had a sharpness close to those of rare swords.


As a result, the Mithril Knife was pushed far down the wolf’s throat and was successful in cutting off the top half of the wolfs face.


Set, watching the situation, gave an intimidating cry.

The number of wolves had decreased to two.
The numerical advantage against Rei and Set had completely disappeared.
Whether or not the wolves understood it, the remaining two animals suddenly turned around and single mindedly ran into the depths of the forest.

Rei watched them go without giving chase.
It was natural.
The wolves are beasts anyway and not a monster.
Because of that, there wouldn’t be a magic stone even if he killed it.

「Somehow we drove them away.」

As Rei petted Set, he gave a low growl of gratitude, the bodies of the 5 wolves were stored in the Misty Ring.
There were no magic stones but the meat and fur could be used.
TLN: It seems that there were originally 7 wolves and Set killed one with a water ball before the others appeared, just a note for those who are confused as to why there are 5 bodies.

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「But, this……is a little troublesome.」

What’s wrong? Set tilted his head.
Rei answered while stroking Set’s body.

「It’s only been a few hours since we left the barrier and we’ve already been attacked by the Water Bear and a pack of wolves?」
「In other words, in the forest there are a lot more monsters and beasts than we expected.
More than that, camping is accompanied by significant risk.」

Rei thought of different ideas while stroking Set’s back.
After a few minutes, he finally settled on an idea and looked into Set’s face.

「I wonder, Set.
Is it possible for you to run if I ride on your back? When thinking about the possibility of getting attacked while taking a rest, I want to quickly get out of the forest.
Fortunately, we don’t need to be worried about being attacked by dragons near the edge of the forest, if we can make that distance then we can fly.」

All right! Set moved his face to the ground and encouraged Rei to get on.

Because I can serve the meat of the Water Bear once we get out, do your best.
Come on, eat this to moisten the throat.」

He removed a Clara Fruit from the Misty Ring and gave it to Set.


Raising a happy cry, Set ate the fresh fruit.

「Good, well, let’s get out of the forest at once……I’m counting on you.」

He quickly hopped onto Set’s back, because the Death Scythe would become obstructive on Set’s back, it was stored inside the Misty Ring, .

「Well, let’s start!」

Raising a heroic cry, Set kicked the ground.
The speed can be imagined if you think of the scenery flashing by in moments.

A wry smile floated on to Rei’s face.

「I see, you held back to match my speed until now.」

What? Set seemed to ask as gave a cry.
Rei scratched Set’s head and told him it wasn’t anything.

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