r suffering serious injuries twice in a month, their body’s endurance must have already reached its limit.

If they were to rush out this instance and conduct some reckless behaviors, even a Golden Immortal’s appearance wouldn’t be able to save them.

“Boss, heh heh…” Feng Lei chuckled foolishly.
He then pointed up at the night sky with a face like he didn’t know what was going on, “Brother Xuan, the stars look really nice tonight.”

Xuan Yuanyi immediately responded: “That’s right, they’re so pretty.
I have never seen such beautiful stars before.”

Blindman Liu glared at those two and whispered: “Can’t you guys look more closely before you open your mouth? The sky is inky black and doesn’t even have any stars.”


“Shit! Blindman Liu, will you die if you don’t speak?”

Luo Tian’s voice turned serious as he said: “You guys have injuries so you shouldn’t be running around.
If I happen to find out that you guys leave the palace and go searching for treasures, I will definitely teach you guys a lesson.”

“Boss, look at the holy light shooting into the sky! There’s definitely some good stuff appearing!” Feng Lei pointed at the light in the south-eastern direction with an excited look on his face.

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“I already know about it.”

“You guys have nothing to do with the treasure being unearthed.

While saying this mid-sentence…

Luo Tian smiled mysteriously and continued: “The treasure will only belong to me.”


“Boss is so awesome!”

“Boss is so mighty!”

The faces on those three turned to shock.
Luo Tian hadn’t even gone looking for the treasure yet and it already belongs to him.
This was simply way too awesome!

Of course…

The instant the holy light surged into the sky, Luo Tian wanted to rush over there right away.


He was stopped by Wild Blade.

Wild Blade was so familiar with the ancient scroll that it reached a point where he couldn’t get any more familiar with it.
He was very clear on what items were needed to open up the ancient treasure site and those two things were in Luo Tian’s possession.
As long as Luo Tian doesn’t go there, no one will be able to take away anything.

In addition…

People will die!

Luo Tian now knew why Devil Monarch Skysoul had entered the Devil Sealing Array – he was looking for treasures!

Looking for ancient secret treasures!

But he encountered bad luck and fell into the trap of being sealed away inside the Devil Sealing Array.

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He was stuck inside the Devil Sealing Array for ten thousand years and hadn’t found any treasures.
Devil Monarch Skysoul found nothing! He didn’t dare to stay inside any longer and managed to charge out of there after using all his strength.

The Devil Sealing Array was thus destroyed.

The array had lost most of its powers but was still extremely dangerous.
There were still other hidden dangers inside.
If Wild Blade’s deductions are correct, the treasures coming into being will have monsters guarding it.
There’s a high chance that these monsters are the demonic beasts from the ancient world!



A series of harsh exploding sounds were heard.

A flash was seen in the south-eastern direction.

Countless streams of light flew out while screaming in shock: “Ancient demonic beasts! Run! Quickly run!”

Luo Tian’s head was slightly tilted to the side before sneering coldly: “What Wild Blade said was right – places with treasures will naturally be dangerous.
Those experts who cling to life and mortally afraid of death wish to gain treasures as well? They’re just living in their own stupid fantasy!”

Feng Lei and the other two once again became shocked.

“Boss, how come you seem to know everything?”

“What kind of treasure is it?”

“That’s right, I want to know too.”

The three of them started asking out of curiosity.

Luo Tian shook his head and said: “I don’t know what kind of treasures the place has, but most likely I’m the only person in this world that’s capable of opening the door to it.
And I am the only one that can take those treasures, so you guys can sleep peacefully with that thought.”

“We’re not in a rush.”

“We will all go together when your injuries have recovered.”

Luo Tian wasn’t even a bit anxious.

Let those experts explore the path first.
It would be even better if their heads get smashed bloody in the process!

Feng Lei smiled excitedly, “Long live the boss!”

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