Elyon said ” In the next round , we will do a simple basic compilation test… A short 1 km sprint and a basic strength test , only top 100,000 will move on to the next stage. That or if one of your events of choice is equestrian , then it will be a simple test of your pets , the test will be taken independently by the AI , and rankings will be given , the moment you choose to accept the invitation you will be transported into the sprint track , followed by the power machine tester. Do your best ! ”.

Everyone panicked inside , out of over 10 million participants only 100,000 will move onto the next stage? Isn ’t this elimination rate too terrifying? .

However with everyone muted , nobody could utter a single word. Soon, the invitation arrived …

System notification :

Japanese priliminary selections Round 2 , please choos your event

1) Equestrian

2) Any other event

3 Both

Rudra chose any other event option and was instantly transmitted to the racetrack.

A countdown was displayed infront of him , which was still at 20 .

The AI the displayed the set of rules for the sprint. It read

1) There will be no second chaces soo Run at your best speed

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2) Only run on the given path , and don ’t go outisde the white line , if you cross the white line while running , you will be disqualified.

3) No movement techniques can be used , or you will be disqualified.

The challenge starts in 20 seconds , good luck!

The timer started to tick , and Rudra came into his running action. Rudra ’s tummy felt funny , it felt like butterflies were flying inside them. The original Rudra would have admitted that he felt nervous , however Shakuni just snorted and said ” Calm down body , I got this ”.

19..18…17..16. .. . 3..2…1!! GO!

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