ut it needs 1.8 million contribution points to exchange. ”

When he reached this point, he glanced at the young man.
”Good stuff requires high contribution points.
There are still stuff available that requires low contribution points.
Go to the first building, the third row on the second floor.
There is also a flying magical artifact that needs only 5,000 contribution points. ”

”Thanks so much, Teacher. ”

Feng Jiu respectfully gave him a salute.
1.8 million contribution points – it was close to the full amount of her entire fortune.
She thought earlier that her contribution points were too numerous, it would take a long time to get those points exchanged.
She wouldn ’t need to worry about those points.
Unexpectedly, almost all of them were gone in one trip to the Sky Building.

Rainbow-coloured glazed feather? She wanted to see what kind of feather it was and why it was worth so much.

Following the old man ’s instruction, she came directly to the innermost shelf of the second building and took down a mahogany box at the top.
When it opened, it was as if a rainbow of seven rays of light emerged into view.
Its dazzling beauty made her fall in love at first sight.

No women could refuse beautiful things.
This feather was really beautiful.
It was of palm-sized length and looked like an ordinary feather.
The difference was it had seven coloured brilliant rays continuously flowing on the feather layer by layer, like ripples of water.
It was dazzlingly beautiful.

”This is it! ” She picked up the mahogany box and walked out to the old man and put the box in front of him.
”I ’ll exchange for this one, Teacher. ”

The old man glanced at the mahogany box, asking, ”Do you have that many contribution points? ”Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

”Of course I have! I just returned from my mission. ” She grinned and again handed the jade card forward.

The old man accepted it suspiciously.
He didn ’t check the contribution points in the jade medal before, so he didn ’t know how many contribution points there were.
When he looked at the figures, even he who had always kept a straight face could not help staring.

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