begin with.”

“What do you mean?”

“Draka, like you, based his magic on strength.
So, unless the user knows to use strength as well, they wouldn’t be able to tell if it was a relic or some junk.”

Ah, so it was like that.

I nodded my head and opened the door to the antique shop.

At that, the man inside that looked like the owner spoke to me.

“Welcome to Altein’s Store of Memories, Touched by History!”


There was another customer inside.

‘They’re a magician.’

It was a woman that looked similar in age to me.

Even without using the , she exuded such an aura that anyone could tell she was a magician.

‘On top of that, she’s from the Seiki Women’s Residential College.’

One of the strongest magic schools on the continent.

She was wearing the Seiki Women’s Residential College’s uniform with the black crow insignia on it.

They were probably a participant in this year’s Grand Festival.

At that, the owner spoke up.

We have quite a few ‘magician’ customers today.
It’s probably because of the Grand Festival.
Please take a look.”



At the word ‘magician’ that the owner used, she peeked at me with a neutral expression.

Her gaze landed on my academy’s ‘incandescent lighting’ insignia.

And then our eyes met one another.

“She’s pretty.”

As Straang said, she was pretty enough to make me faint.

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“But, if I can turn into my human form, I’m prettier.”


Ah, is that so?

Our eyes met for only a moment.

She returned to what she was doing and started to focus on her search for something,

And I stopped caring about her as well, moving on to do what I came here to do.

It wasn’t that hard to find Draka’s relic in this small antique shop.

The clearly highlighted Draka’s relic.

‘A red smoke.’

Even if I shook it hard, the small ring was surrounded by the everpresent red smoke.

There were no markings or decorations on it.

It was a simple silver ring.

However, as my fingertips touched the ring, a status window popped up.

Ring of Invulnerability

Player exclusive unique artifact


The first artifact created by Draka, but also his first failure.
Using the authority of Invulnerability, there is a small chance to resist any physical force that touches your body.

Increases the chance to negate physical damage.

This was a type of passive skill.

A skill that, when equipped, negated an opponent’s attacks.

Of course, because of the ‘chance’, I couldn’t rely on this skill alone.

But it was a pretty precious artifact that could save my life.

This was a ‘failure’?

Didn’t it look pretty good?

As I looked at Straang with a confused expression, Straang just shrugged her shoulders.

“So, this was the thing that called to me… Ring of Invulnerability.
It’s been a while.”

It was an artifact that Straang knew.

She smiled at it, as if she were glad to see it again.

“Your face is asking why this is a failure.
I’ll tell you.
This is definitely a failure.”


“Because it doesn’t just resist ‘attacks’.
If your friend taps you on the back or if your lover tries to hug you, it’ll ‘resist’ it.”


What the hell?

So, what you’re saying is… it will sporadically resist all physical contact on my body?

“It sometimes won’t activate when you desperately need it to, and it’ll deflect at useless times.
That’s why it’s a failure.
However, you really do need this as it increases your strength.”

It was true.

Equipping the ring had a weak ‘Strength Increase’ effect attached to it.

When you equip this, your strength will increase by 200.

Just this was enough to justify using the artifact.

I decided on purchasing this ring and wore it on my finger.

I was worried that it wouldn’t fit, but it tightened perfectly around my middle finger.

As if it were made for me.

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I looked up and down the ring and asked the owner,

“This ring.
I’ll buy it.
How much is it?”

At that, the owner just glanced at me and my ring…

“Keke, just take it.”

“What? Why?”

“That ring, since I was a little kid, meaning since my grandfather was running this shop… No.
Since my grandfather’s grandfather’s era… and that grandfather’s grandfather’s time before… eh.
In any case, it’s been here for a long while.
It’s already been unsold for a few hundred years.
I just didn’t have a way to get rid of it.
So I won’t put a price on it.
Just take it.”


Of course, just looking at its appearance, it was just an ordinary silver ring with no special features.

However, it was an artifact.

An artifact that a black dragon crafted and used himself at that.

Of course, because it was of a special Player exclusive nature, no one else could see the true value of this ring.

But to give it away for free?

I’m fine, but was it really ok?

However, the owner’s expression was genuine.

I nodded my head and said,

“Then, I’ll buy another item from here.”

Go ahead.”

Since I’d gotten a good item for free, I should buy another thing.

I started to slowly look at all the items in the antique shop.

Naturally, there were no special items that emitted red smoke that enticed me like with the ‘Ring of Invulnerability’.

‘Player’s Eye’.

Using the that let me see the real value of these objects, I started to scan through them.

Since I’d already decided to buy something, I hoped for something good.

And then…

In my eyes,


A worn-out book came into view.

I reached out for this book.



It wasn’t one hand.

There were two.

My hand…

And the hand of the only other customer in this antique shop.

These two hands reached for the book at the same time.

Irene Prius

5th-class Magician

Potential: Very High


I looked at her status window involuntarily.

Irene Prius.

She looked at me and said in a stern voice,

“Let go.”

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