en used his spiritual fire, but he couldn’t hurt the skeleton.

“Hehe, Qin Yu, under this technique, all your attacks are ineffective! I will slowly torture you to death!” A short distance away, Qiu Feng roared crazily!

Qin Yu didn’t make a sound.
His expression was calm as he dodged while thinking about something.

At this moment, Qin Yu’s body suddenly stood still in spot.

Facing the skeleton’s huge blade, he didn’t move at all.
Instead, he closed his eyes!

“Qin Yu isn’t moving!” Wei Jiang, who was in the car, immediately panicked!

Even Wei Ming suddenly stood up and stared out of the window!

Could it be that… Qin Yu was really going to die here?

“Hehe, have you given up resisting?” Qiu Feng, who was a short distance away, sneered.

After he roared angrily, the skeleton swung its saber and fell down!

But what was surprising was that after this saber fell, it didn’t swing its saber a second time!

“Huh? What’s going on?” Qiu Feng’s expression changed drastically!

The skeleton tried to pull out its saber many times but failed!

It was as if his saber was captured by Qin Yu!

Qin Yu’s expression was cold and his eyes were closed.

The faint internal qi from before actually started to rise at this moment!

On the contrary, the skeleton’s dark energy started to slowly disappear!

Qiu Feng’s expression changed drastically! He suddenly felt as if the dark energy in his body was about to be absorbed!

“If you can absorb my internal qi, I can also absorb yours.” Qin Yu, the corners of his mouth curling into a sneer, raised his head.

“This kid actually wants to retaliate!” Qiu Feng’s face instantly turned extremely pale!

The reason why this skeleton could reduce Qin Yu’s internal qi was very simple.
It absorbed Qin Yu’s internal spiritual energy and dark energy!

Every time the blade fell, there would be a short pause.

And this pause was the process of absorbing Qin Yu’s internal qi.

Unfortunately, Qin Yu took advantage of this gap and began to fight back!

The skeleton’s internal qi was dissipating, and Qiu Feng, who was using this technique, felt that his strength was getting weaker!

“How is this possible?!” Qiu Feng panicked.
He wanted to stop, but he realized that it was too late!

Qin Yu ravenously devoured the dark energy in Qiu Feng’s body!

A huge amount of dark energy was sucked into Qin Yu’s body along with the skeleton!

“Ah! !”

Qiu Feng’s body began to twitch and curl, and a sharp pain came from his abdomen!

“This kid… how did he counter this technique…” Beads of sweat dripped down Qiu Feng’s forehead!

No one had ever been able to counter this technique!

“If this continues, I will definitely die here!” Qiu Feng was flustered and extremely anxious!

“Looks like I can only give up this body.” Qiu Feng’s mind raced.

He had already used this body for a long time.
Relying on Qiu Feng’s position in Chuzhou, he had absorbed an unknown amount of dark energy!

Now, he was naturally unwilling to give up!

“Brat, just you wait.
I will definitely take revenge!”

In the next second, Qiu Feng suddenly collapsed to the ground.

Black shadows floated out of his body and disappeared into the horizon.

The skeleton in front of Qin Yu also quickly disappeared.

Qin Yu opened his eyes and looked at Qiu Feng.
He frowned and said, “It’s as I expected.
It’s a pity that he escaped.”

As he looked at Qiu Feng, Qin Yu’s expression was calm.

Then, he said with a smile, “But this is enough.
Such a huge amount of dark energy is probably enough to support me to advance to the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage..”

Thank you for reading on myboxnovel.com

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