ed Cao Shan.

Cao, please hurry up.
This kid is quite anxious.
I’m afraid I can’t keep him,”said Jia Gong.

Cao Shan on the other end of the line said coldly, “Don’t be anxious.
I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

“Okay!”Jia Gong quickly agreed.

After he hung up the phone, he returned to his office and said with a smile, “Mr.
Qin, please wait for a while.
Give me ten minutes.”

“Okay.”Qin Yu agreed.

He could still wait for ten minutes.

However, Qin Yu didn’t know that danger was slowly approaching him.

At this moment, Yan Sihai was waiting for Cao Shan’s good news.

As long as Qin Yu was captured, then Yan Ruoxue would naturally give up her power.

Time passed by minute by minute.
In the blink of an eye, ten minutes had passed.

But Cao Shan still hadn’t arrived.

Qin Yu couldn’t help but ask, “Mr.
Jia, is it going to be long?”

Jia Gong was also very anxious.
He hurriedly stood up and said, “Mr.
Qin, don’t be anxious.
He will be here soon.”

“Come, try my new tea.
This is a good tea.”Jia Gong changed the topic.

Qin Yu was somewhat anxious because the matter of old Mister Yan couldn’t wait.

No one knew when old Mister Yan’s spiritual sense would disappear.

Another ten minutes passed.

Qin Yu stood up and said, “Mr.
Jia, can you hurry him up? If you can’t help him, please tell me directly.”

Jia Gong rubbed his hands and said, “Don’t be anxious.
He will be here soon! I.
I still have a bottle of good wine here.
Qin, why don’t we try it?”

Qin Yu was a little impatient.

He stood up and said, “Mr.
Jia, I said that this matter is very urgent.
I hope that you won’t delay my time.”

Jia Gong immediately appeared a little awkward.
Just as he was at a loss, the office door finally opened.

Then, he saw a man around 50 years old walk in from outside the door.

There were five people following behind him.

Each of them was a martial grandmaster.

Cao, you are finally here!”Jia Gong immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

Qin Yu did not know Cao Shan’s intentions, so he politely said, “Thank you for your righteous help.”

Cao Shan raised his eyebrows and sneered, “Righteous help? You think I’m here to help you?”

Qin Yu frowned slightly and said, “What do you mean?”

“Fool, Mr.
Cao Is Here to kill you! Do you really think I will help you?”Jia Gong hid behind Cao Shan and said with bared fangs and brandished claws.

Qin Yu’s expression suddenly became a little ugly.

He looked at Jia Gong coldly and said, “You are really a despicable person.”

Jia Gong sneered, “If you want to blame someone, then blame yourself for being stupid! But the pill you gave me is not bad, so I won’t be polite.”

Qin Yu didn’t have the time to pay attention to this Jia Gong.

He looked at Cao Shan and said, “There doesn’t seem to be any grudges between us, right?”

Cao Shan put his hands behind his back and said indifferently, “Indeed, but someone wants me to kill you.”

“Someone wants to kill me?”Qin Yu took a deep breath.

He could see that this Cao Shan was powerful, and Qin Yu was pressed for time, so.., qin Yu suppressed his anger and said, “No matter what conditions the other party offers to kill me, I can give you an earth-grade pill, or even a heaven-grade pill.”

“I only hope that everyone can make way,”Qin Yu said in a deep voice.

“Heaven-grade Pill?”Cao Shan raised his eyebrows and was immediately tempted.

Heaven-grade pill was an absolute holy item!

Even Cao Shan had never seen it before!

“How about it? If you’re not satisfied, we can still discuss it,”said Qin Yu.

Cao Shan touched his chin and said, “The conditions you offered are indeed tempting enough, but unfortunately, the other party’s background is too big.
I Can’t afford to provoke him.”

you’d better die here!”

Thank you for reading on myboxnovel.com

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