Sky Dragon and Ye Zi were both called out by Yang Chen just like that, and they had no choice but show themselves.

They had initially planned to observe the situation in the shadows. As long as Yang Chen was not in any serious trouble they would have preferred not to interfere.

If Yang Chen was brought to the police station, they would go directly to the police station and bail him out. End of story.

But as it turned out, Yang Chen decided to resolve the issue now. He even went so far as to say that he would personally fetch them should they be unwilling to come forth.

Sky Dragon and Ye Zi thought to themselves that if they couldnt even hide their existence from Yang Chen—there was no way they were going to escape his grip. They might as well reveal themselves obediently to save themselves the embarrassment.

The two of them were posed to keep Yang Chen under surveillance. But in reality they were there to keep any situation Yang Chen was in from escalating. Restricting Yang Chens freedom would be a mad mans dream.

The scene went quiet in an instant. Nobody recognized Sky Dragon and Ye Zi nor understood their purpose of being there. They couldnt even figure out how Yang Chen knew they were there.

Liu Mingyu was not at all surprised. She knew that Yang Chen had many secrets. She reckoned that they were there to protect Yang Chen. After all, Yang Chen did have the background of the Yang clan. She was correct to a certain degree.

“Who are you chaps?” the officer asked in discontentment.

Sky Dragon did not speak. He took out a tiny leatherback book colored in a dark olive green from his jacket pocket. On the cover of the book, there was a steel seal with the pattern of sickle-axe and fork. The emblem looked sophisticated.

The tiny book was placed in front of the officer. The officer frowned and inspected it carefully. At first, he was clueless as to its significance. But when he looked at the line below it, his face became stiff in an instant.

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