r weapons.

Rex found this oddly fun as the sword illusions above him went ahead to counter each and every arrow.
He was surprised when he discovered that the illusions were only sufficient in stopping the arrows, unable to pierce through them.
It was then he noticed that those crossbows weren ’t mere wood and iron.
He could sense they were something similar to this particular ship.
There was actually a crystal mechanism inside the crossbow which powered the limbs and wheels.
It even provided magical energies via the flight groove of the crossbow, enabling it to be a magical shot.

Looks like their crystal engineering is of a certain grade right now.
And for them to implement a crystal within weapons means their engineers know a thing or two about crystal imbuing. ” Starry Mood commented as she snapped her fingers.
”At the same time it means that if they were to fight with someone who has sufficient knowledge regarding those crystals, it will actually be a bane. ”

At that moment, both their armour and weapons exploded.
The armour suddenly became too heavy for the soldiers and they fell down since their body could not resist the weight.
The crossbow weapons were broken and couldn ’t be salvaged.

”If you can do this, why not just break the crystal of this Flying Fortress? ” Rex asked as he held his hand from attacking any further.
After all, he had only been expending less than 1% of his chi energies to create those sword illusions.
(Where was the fun in killing everyone before learning more of Starry Mood ’s abilities?)

”If they are indeed able to power this entire ship with just a single crystal, it would mean that they ’ve found the motherlode of all crystals.
To break that would be a pity.
Also, my intuition is telling me that the crystal could be something else entirely. ” Starry Mood answered as she used her magic to raise the bits of crystals left from the devastation she created previously.
The bits twinkled a little before Rex saw them flying into the crevices of the soldiers ’ armour.

The next moment, they started to wring in pain.

But that was not the end as the armour started to move on its own despite the actions of the soldier inside them and Rex realised that Starry Mood ’s Shadow King title wasn ’t in vain.
She had enabled the crystal centric armour to move with her own powers.

”Why does it feel that you ’re way too familiar with the insides of the armour design? ” Rex asked as he watched the armours line up in a straight file to give way for Starry Mood and him to walk through.
After which they followed her behind like a pack of thralls even though the soldiers in them were screaming from the excruciating pain.

”I ’m starting to feel that it was you who has secretly manipulated me and the System to assist you with some hidden revenge plot. ” Rex mused as he walked behind Starry Mood through the ship ’s corridors who seemed to be heading down a certain road.

”Would that be so bad? As long as our goals align, everything should be good, right? If not, you could call it a tit for a tat for all that commotion you cause earlier in Demopolis. ” Starry Mood smiled under her veil as she proceeded further into the Flying Fortress.

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