ed, blood gushed forth, instantly absorbed into the magic pattern.
The sorcerers were obviously suffering, but they were standing firm.

Leah’s eyes filled as she watched.
She watched as her husband bled.
She watched as he sliced his body again and again and the pattern soaked it up.

But the black smoke wasn’t weakening.
On the contrary, it was gradually thickening.

Three more gashes in Ishakan’s golden skin.
Her heart seized with every new wound on his body.
He had bled so much, too much, enough to be dangerous.
But even if he poured out more, nothing would change.
Even if he spilled all of it.
The black smoke crept over her.

They both knew this could not be stopped this way.
But Ishakan wouldn’t give up even if it cost him his life.

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She had been happy.
Her happiness in Kurkan had been like a dream.
And now the time had come to wake up.

Strangely, she felt calm, as if she had known unconsciously that this would happen.
The shackles on her ankles had grown thin and faded, almost invisible, but they had never really broken.
She had known someday she would have to go back to that dark place, where no light would ever reach her.
There was no need to make others suffer.

Looking at Ishakan, she couldn’t say the words she had wanted to tell him.
She had to say something else instead.

“I’m sorry, Ishakan.”

His golden eyes shook.
He knew what she was thinking.

“Don’t look for me,” she whispered.

His eyes widened.

“Leah, don’t,” he said thickly, as if through a blockage in his throat.
His face was desperate as she let go of his hand.

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The last warmth in her hand faded.
Black smoke whirled around her, engulfing her even as Ishakan reached for her and tried to embrace her, calling desperately.


Even a stab to her heart wouldn’t hurt so much as seeing her husband like that.
But she didn’t look away.
She watched him until the black smoke consumed her.

When the smoke dissipated, she was not in the desert.
The marble floor was cold underneath her and she shivered.
Cold, so cold.

“Long time no see, Leah,” said a voice.

Sitting up, she slowly lifted her head.
It was a familiar place.
It was the hall of the royal palace of Estia, the same hall where she had welcomed Ishakan as the King of Kurkan.
Marble columns lined the immense hall, and above them fluttered pennants bearing the royal emblem of Estia.

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