ned in a low voice, sitting beside Leah.

Watching them made Leah wonder how they had ever become a couple, but she couldn’t quite bring herself to ask.
Surprisingly, Genin took it upon herself to explain.

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“We all went to the same academy,” she said.
Haban and Mura had always stood out academically; they were the best among all the students at their academy.
No one could compete with them.

The two had always fought for first place in all their exams, and everyone had different ideas about who was better.
And Mura, who was always proud, had decided to challenge Haban directly.

It was not a simple competition.
It was a battle to determine supremacy.
Everyone was excited, and Mura lost their first battle before the eyes of all the Kurkans of the Academy.

To acknowledge her defeat, Mura got the tattoo on her face, beside her eye.
She had expected Haban to humiliate her for her loss, and even prepared herself to face him, but curiously, Haban had begun avoiding her.

Mura thought he was ignoring her.

She was determined to have a rematch, and she had given up all of her other activities, even cooking, so she could train to confront him again.
But even when Haban lost their second battle for supremacy, Mura was not satisfied, despite her victory.
Surprisingly, she felt very uncomfortable.

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In defeat, Haban said almost nothing.
His face was dyed red as he hesitantly congratulated Mura, and then left as if he were fleeing.

The next day, Haban arrived at the institute wearing the same tattoo as Mura, but beside his other eye.
His face was red as a tomato as he approached her to make a serious proposal.
Mura was shocked.

You want to date me?

It was absurd.
She thought he was joking at first, but soon realized he was very serious; he was trembling like a broken doll.
She decided to see him because she thought it was adorable that he had gotten the same tattoo, and they dated for a long time before they got married.

“Do you have a husband, Genin?” Leah asked, after Genin had told this story.

For some reason, the atmosphere grew a little tense.

“…of course,” Genin answered slowly.

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