, hearing hushed exclamations and hid.
She chanced a look, before she ducked back out of sigh and muffled her breathing as she clasped her hand around her mouth.
The shrubs concealed her perfectly, and when she peaked through the leaves, she saw Byun Gyongbaek’s servants looking for her.

It was fortunate they gave up searching the place before they found her, and quickly left to look at the other areas.
Leah sagged her shoulders in relief, before she took calming breaths and looked around.

The garden was like a maze.
It’s shrubs were expertly placed to increase its aesthetic, and the trees and bushes framed it perfectly, providing shade upon its visitors, even giving lovers their sought privacy.
When she had regained her strength, Leah steadily stood up from her hiding place, gave her surroundings one last once over, and darted into the shelter of the garden.

Her arms and legs hurt, and despite her wish to sit down and rest, she couldn’t.
Escaping from Byun Gyongbaek was paramount.

However, every twist and turn she took was a dead end.
With no way to leave, she was soon overcome by a sensation as if she was the prey, hunted down for sport.

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She could see how this would end now.
Byun Gyongbaek’s servants would capture her, and be brought to him.
Her family wouldn’t even be able to do anything about it despite how unnoble his intentions would be.
And the aristocrats, they would just step aside and spread rumours, telling her what a pity her situation was and make excuses.

No one would protect her.
No one would be able to help her.

She figured if she had to give up her body, she would at least have a choice in that matter.
Not like this.
She didn’t want to give into Byun Gyongbaek like this.

“Wait! I see her!”A shout alerted her that someone was coming, “She’s that way!”

Something cool and sweet wafted into her nose as she resumed running away, squeezing every bit of strength remaining in her and towards her legs.
With her mind telling her to go towards the smell, she followed her nose, and hoped it would lead her to sweet relief.

She bursted out of the trees as she bulldozed her way through the shrubs and saw the clouds turn dark as the moon peaked out and shone down on her.
But the night sky only multiplied the feeling of being trapped.

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The air around her went thin as she felt the shortness of her breath.

Then, as if a burst of fresh air, she saw a man, leaned casually against the tree, smoking a cigarette as the smoke wafted all over him.
With a cry, the man was alerted to her presence, and looked at her in shock as she barrelled her way towards him and finally, clung onto him for dear life.

Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed against him.
His warm hands wrapped around her protectively as he patted down her mess of a hair, and she finally looked up and pulled away.

She was safe.

“I-Ishakan,” she choked back as the tears fell unabashedly once more.
She could only call out his name in desperation.
She felt like she was about to burst, everywhere around her hurt so much, chest, arms, feet, head…

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