sed away was just a clone, where cloning was being used ever since a dozen years ago.
She could not believe that the people she was dealing would go so far as to abandon their humanity for the things they wanted.

She couldn’t help but wonder where her mother was if she was still alive.

“Here, see for yourself,” Mo Yutian said, turning the screen to Xu Xiyan, showing the CCTV in the old castle.

The screen showed a woman lying on a crystal bed, her face so familiar to Xu Xiyan’s.
It was her mother.

Mum’s really alive? Xu Xiyan asked herself as tears of joy, suspicion, and sadness rolled down her cheeks.

The tears blinded her sight as they dropped silently to the ground.

Xu Xiyan wiped the tears off her face and strolled towards the screen, staring at her mother.

“Where is she now?”

“I got this from Lady White Tea.
You have to follow me if you want to meet your mother, or else…”

Mo Yutian was implying that he would take action if Xu Xiyan were to not follow him.

Xu Xiyan was shocked when she heard Mo Yutian mentioned Lady White Tea, suspecting that they were close to each other.

There were a lot of questions in Xu Xiyan’s head.
She wanted to learn who Lady White Tea truly was and where her mother was at.

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