, can I go there tomorrow?”

You’re an adult now, so you’re allowed to go out freely.”

That’s what her mouth was saying, and yet her eyes were still filled with so much concern.

The fire that had killed the original Irene when she was young must have left Mom with PTSD.

It’s an affliction that I had witnessed a lot amongst the members of the Special Forces, so I couldn’t help but notice the symptoms.

“If you’re worried, Mom, why don’t we go together? Let’s ask Uncle Hans to bake some cookies for us.
With nuts, too.”

Mom’s expression brightened up at once.

“Shall we? Oh, really.
I thought my daughter is now all grown up, but you’re still my baby.
Sweetie, you can’t live without Mom, right?”


“Yes, what is it?”

Mom’s hand, which was holding her spoon, stopped as she looked at me.
I just know that it’ll be out of place if I said this now, but as her gaze was gentle now, I thought I should take this chance to get her permission.

“I really want to go to the garrison… Is it really impossible for me?”

“…What in the world is in the garrison that you want to see anyway?”

Well, I didn’t think for a second that it’s going to be easy, but Mom was proving to be a tough nut to crack, even after Dad and Brother were already on my side.

Setting down the spoon, I looked into the stew and stared at the bottom of the bowl.

“It’s Dad and Brother’s workplace.
Shouldn’t I go and see it at least once? Even Mom has been there before…”

Dad and David felt bashful after hearing my words.

As Mom had also set down her spoon, which she hadn’t been using for a while now, she thought for a moment.

“Do you really want to go?”

“Yes, Mom.
I also want to get to know our territory.”

That way, if things ever go south down the line, I’d be able to think about how we could respond properly to such an emergency.

Even if it happened decades ago, the monster wave was not just anything to think little of.
Before I reincarnated, it was a phenomenon that I had experienced first-hand.

In Korea as well, the cause of the monster waves could not be determined.
It was the same for the United States and the European Union.

“Hoho, of course! My dear daughter is a member of House Closch, so it’s only right for you to do so! Honey! I’ll make sure that everything’s safe for our daughter there! Wouldn’t that work?”

Dad let out a delighted guffaw as he said this, then he soon held one of Mom’s hands tightly, rubbing it with his thumb.

It’s one of Dad’s techniques.
That is to say, his ‘endearing’ techniques.

Mom had cold hands, and so she very much loved Dad’s warm hands.

As if she had no choice, Mom sighed quietly and lifted her spoon once more.

“Then, alright.
Take full responsibility and bring our daughter back in one piece.”

“Great! My dear, lovely wife, you don’t have to worry.”

Watching my parents’ lovely display of affection, I made up my mind again.

In this life, the man who’ll be my husband should absolutely be a man who’s like my father.

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