
CH 222

ext to An Xin, their faces awfully close together.
She frowned and her eyes felt moist. I can’t be with him.
She’s his.
They’re so good together.
It only makes sense. Tang Bingyao felt her chest physically hurting as those last thoughts appeared.
Then came the memories she had of the times she’d seen Lin Feng and An Xin together.

The first time An Xin arrived in class… Why did she have to come to our school?
            Last night, after the Semifinals, when they went home together. Why didn’t he invite me to his place?
Later last night, when they were streaming together. They looked so happy… Everyone was saying what a great couple they were… 

Tang Bingyao wiped her eyes dry, and then her cheeks. Why am I crying? What do I care what he does with his life? It’s not my life. She’d long forgotten about the game and her disappointing performance.
She was upset about that, no doubt.
But seeing Lin Feng happy with An Xin hurt far more! I don’t want to care.
I don’t care! He can do whatever he wants! Mhm! She looked up and saw An Xin looking at her.
Tang Bingyao’s eyes went wide. Did… Did she see me cry?

An Xin saw the pain on Tang Bingyao’s face.
It was the same pain she’d seen the night before. You poor girl… She took a deep breath and then waved for Tang Bingyao to come over.
“Tang Tang.
Come, join us.
The fourth game is about to begin and we need to go over our game plan again.
I made a couple of changes.
I think you might like them.”

Lin Feng turned to look at An Xin and said, “Changes? Why not stay with the same comp as last game? Our Mid-Jungle synergy is the best! We’ll wreck them and win that trophy!”

“Yeah! Let’s go with the same team composition as last game! Shanghai High School couldn’t do anything against us!” Wei Dong said, grinning.

“Right! Do you two have more deadly combos like the Ahri-Lee Sin one? I want to see something like that again! Madman and madwoman tearing the game up! Come on, come on, show us!” Chen Ze said with a big, carefree grin.

“Shut up.
I’m the coach,” An Xin said sternly.
Wei Dong and Chen Ze closed their mouths.
Lin Feng tried to complain some more, but was quickly shut down.
“We’re going for another substitution this game,” An Xin said.
She turned to look at Wei Dong and continued, “You’re sitting out.
I’ll play Support and we’ll have Liu Yue back in the Jungle.”

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“Oh, uh… sure,” Wei Dong mumbled.
He got up from his seat and waved over towards Liu Yue, then halted.
He turned back to look at An Xin and asked, “BunBun, are you sure about this? You and Lin Feng were so good together… I really want to win  this tournament, you know…”

“Yeah! See? They also want to see us play together!” Lin Feng exclaimed.
“Just stay in the Jungle! You can always play some duo queue later with Tang Tang if you really want to Support her!”

An Xin glared at Lin Feng and asked, clearly articulating every word, “Are you the coach, or am I? I am, right? Ok.
So shut up.” She then turned to look at Tang Bingyao and smiled.
“Tang Tang, let’s kick some ass together! Show everyone that two girls can beat eight guys.” Then she winked.

“Eight? W—” Lin Feng barely got one word out when An Xin glared at him.
He ducked away and knew that An Xin was serious now, so he kept his mouth shut.

Tang Bingyao sat in her chair, stunned. Why does she want to come down to bot lane and be my Support… Is it to babysit me? Is she worried I’ll feed again? She finally nodded and said, “Oh… Okay.” But she’s really good at jungling… She looked up at An Xin and said in a near whisper, “Are you sure you want to come Support? I think it’d be easier for you to carry us in the Jungle.
I mean, I’ve lost bot three times now and we’ve still won… Maybe just stay in the Jungle and carry us from there.”

“Oh, please! You didn’t lose.
You were just in a hard lane and you kept it at least even! Don’t worry about it.
I’m coming to Support you and that’s that,” An Xin said, leaving no room for discussion.
She hesitated a moment before adding, “Don’t misunderstand me here.
This is a serious strategy, and I play a pretty mean Support.
Anyway, what do you say? Shall we show these boys how much better we are?”

“I don’t get it.
Your Jungle is way better.
Why would you go Support…?” Lin Feng muttered.

An Xin smiled at Lin Feng, balling her fists, and asked, “You’re really testing my patience.
I’ll punch you in the face and then I’ll kick you in your balls if you don’t shut up and do as I say.
I’m the coach, not you! If I say you jump off a bridge, I better see you jumping!”

Shanghai High School’s team walked back up on the stage and sat down behind their computers again.
A tournament official walked over and whispered something into Zeng Rui’s ear.
He looked over at High School 13’s team and spotted the change.
They had made another substitution.
Their coach was now Support and their original Jungler was back in the Jungle.
He gritted his teeth and mumbled to himself, “What’s she doing? What is her strategy? Is she just trying to mock me? Trying to get to me? Is that how she wants to beat me?”

“Uh, Captain?” a Shanghai High School teammate asked over the team’s voice chat.

Zeng Rui looked up and nodded at his teammates.
Then he said over the team’s voice chat, “I don’t know what those guys are up to.
They made another substitution… Whatever.
It doesn’t matter.
We’re sticking to our strategy as planned.
There’s no value in throwing things around now.
Let’s ban LeBlanc, Fizz, and Ahri.”

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The Champion Select went fast.
High School 13 was playing on the Blue Team, while Shanghai High School was on the Red Team.
They banned the Champions they didn’t want to play against and picked the ones that fit their team compositions.
Then the game went into the loading screen, allowing the audience to see the final line up for Game 4 of the Finals.

Game 4 of the Shanghai 16 School Tournament Finals:

High School 13 (Blue) versus Shanghai High School (Red)
Top lane: Irelia versus Gragas
Jungle: Jarvan IV versus Lee Sin
Mid lane: Lulu versus Yasuo
AD-carry: Vayne versus Kalista
Support: Nami versus Leona

High School 13’s substitution was not announced to the audience yet.
Some had noticed the line up change, but they weren’t sure what that meant.
Then came the loading screen and they could see what changed.
An Xin’s name was underneath the Nami’s portrait, while Liu Yue was playing Jarvan IV in the Jungle.

    “OH MY GOD! She’s going Support! She’s going Support!”
    “Coach, Jungler, and Support? What is she? A queen of all trades?”
    “An all girl bot lane! ALL GIRL BOT LANE! Show us that GIRL POWEERRRRRRRR!”

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