
In a short moment, Felix reached the head office and was escorted inside by the Headmistress ’s assistance.

”Good afternoon Headmistress. ” Felix greeted respectfully.

The Headmistress looked at his innocent eyes and started rubbing her eyebrows with a tired expression.

”You sure make trouble with every step you take. ” She said in annoyance.

”Cough, it ’s not my fault the master wanted me to miss the exams. ” Felix switched blame instantly, knowing that the Headmistress wouldn ’t complain anymore.

’This little shit. ’

He was right, the Headmistress didn ’t dare badmouth or question Lady Sphinx ’s orders.

Unlike him, she shared a strict disciple/master relationship, so she could never be casual like him with Lady Sphinx.

”Forget it, let ’s get this over it already. ” The Headmistress hastened Felix, appearing like she wanted nothing more but to send him away from her face.

’You sure piss off everyone you meet. ’ Asna giggled in enjoyment.

Felix ’s eyelids twitched at her low blow but he focused on the matter in hand.

”Queen, please start streaming. ” Felix requested.

The Headmistress did the rest by giving permission for Felix ’s stream to be notified by every witch.

After they received the notification, they ignored everything and focused on what was about to come next, knowing that their life on the campus literally depends on it.

”Queen, was I in a coma in the past two months and a half? ” Felix got straight to the point by asking indifferently.

”Yes. ” The Queen did so as well.

Her simple response sank the hearts of every witch who participated in this fiasco!

To remove any shred of doubt, Felix continued on, ”Was I able to be awakened if I consumed potions, applied substances, or jolted forcefully? ”

”No. ”

The nail kept being drilled in the witches ’ hearts with every response from the Queen.

”Was it my intention to enter a coma to avoid the exams? ” He added.

”No. ”

Indeed, Felix wanted to attend the exams but Lady Sphinx was the one making him skip them.

”Now that you have your answer, please get off my back for the next two days.
I am too busy to deal with crap like this every time I enter the campus. ” Felix waved his hand at the camera and closed off the stream unemotionally.

He didn ’t feel a sense of winning or such, but just mild irritation that he needed to justify himself.

”Have a nice day Headmistress. ” Felix excused himself politely and closed the door behind him.

The Headmistress remained silent after he left.
She realized that Felix was starting to dislike his experience in the Academy.

’Sigh, I hope those lasses don ’t take it too far.
If he shared it online, our reputation would be taken a big hit. ’

The Headmistress didn ’t care if Felix liked being here or not.
The only thing that mattered to her was the Academy ’s reputation.

After all, she didn ’t invite him to the campus and she certainly didn ’t want him to be here and ruin the peacefulness of the campus.

Unfortunately, that ’s not up for her to say.

Meanwhile, the campus was filled with witches ’ wails and whines.
Felix reeled in the scenes of witches crying as they stared at their AP bracelets.

He knew that they were checking on their CP balances and not liking it one bit.

With a smug smile, he hovered rapidly past them, heading to the garden.
He had set a meeting with Naima and Karry there.

Speaking about them, they were currently trying their best to hold their laughter as they peeked at Kamil ’s ugly expression in the classroom.

She was the first to propose reporting the administration if they didn ’t provide evidence.

Evidence was provided just a few seconds ago!

’My teacher is going to murder me. ’ She soon startled trembling in her seat fearfully, knowing that bringing her master ’s name into this was a bad bad move.

As for the casual witches who were just releasing steam on the administration? They were now all begging for forgiveness so they wouldn ’t have their precious points deducted.

Some of them were already living in debt!

Alas, the Queen mercilessly analyzed everything they wrote and punished them accordingly.

Just as Felix anticipated, after the witches realized that their punishment was a done deal, they immediately exploded into an angry tirade online!

They were venting on no one but him!

This fueled the spread of this drama even more, making it reach the ears of the people outside of the campus!

In a mere few minutes, the news of Felix taking the postponement exams caught the gamblers ’ ears!

Wherever gamblers gathered, there was a den ready to take their bets!

Only this time, the bets were on Felix only and guessing the rank he would achieve in the exams!

’Oh, free money? ’ Felix smiled innocently as he betted the maximum amount possible on him to score the 1st mark.

That amount was 30 billion SC!

’You are going to bankrupt the den, how evil. ’ Asna laughed in excitement, ’I love it! ’

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