ion Ding Hao had not mastered any other flying technique and to show off it would be better to walk up steps by steps to avoid losing the face.

A slight sneer came from the crowd.

Especially Wang Xiaoqi, he is looking at Ding Hao, with a face full of mockery and is whispering something among his friends.

Among one of them is Zhuo Yifeng, right now he looks like a ferocious beast, while emitting a very strong aura, he thinks he must be able to enter in the top five strongest disciples in the entire East River Bank but actually at this time he was not selected, therefore as he is looking at the ten disciples in the arena, his pair of eyes is flashing with intense jealousy.

The head teacher while stroking his beard only faintly smiled.

After a random glance at the ten people, the abdominal beard head teacher continue speaking: “Although a few of you had strength only so-so, only the fighting spirit is a bit high, by all you 10 people to represent our East River Bank in the upcoming Five Great Banks Competition, I already had not much hope anyway I also don't expect you can win even a single competition.”

You ﹍﹍ your sister!

This time, even Ding Hao cannot help but want to mercilessly smoke out this beard Head Teacher.

That's really too much to say.

Standing on the stage every disciple already is very excited, but due to all these words, their faces immediately become black.

“I am not convinced.”

There came a loud shout.

All the people down in the arena after hearing the sound turned around their heads to see the one who had spoked is Zhuo Yifeng, who had stood up, his face is very gloomy, it seems he had refused to accept this result and shouted in a loud voice: “Sir Head Teacher, I think this way fo selecting is very unfair.”

“Oh?” The beard Head Teacher halfway narrowed his eyes and said: “So, you are saying you have a better way than this?”

“Naturally” Zhuo Yifeng full of happy face shouted loudly: “I believe that there should be a Martial Arts Contest, to select the representatives from our Eastern Bank, first we had to distinguish who is strength wise the strongest and then the last 10 people to win will have the right to represent the East River Bank in the competition, so as to make up avoiding of any fake impostors to mixed up within us, letting us lose the face of  our Eastern Bank.”

“Right, that's a good idea!”

“I also agree with a martial arts contest!”

“Hey, if a contest is held, I think our strength will never lose to anyone on the stage.”

A chorus of cheers echoed in the crowd.

This idea immediately seems to have an agreement of almost everyone in the pavilion.

Before entering the sect, here each and every disciple is already used to treat himself as a son of heaven because of their family influence, in fact, obviously for everybody the arrangement of the head teacher is hard to accept, taking advantage of this opportunity, they are naturally trying to disagree with their teacher.

Only by fighting in the arena, can make them truly convinced.

Beard Head Teacher nodded but he is still smiling like before with a deadpan expression.

“Hmm, you had said quite a bit of truth, but among 400 people to fight with these 10 people, it will really be a long contest? let’s do this way, anyone here who had refused to accept these ten among the arena you can challenge them and if they are defeated by the challenger, you can simply take their position on the arena to represent the East Bank in the Five Great Competition.”

His voice had not fallen.

All the disciples loudly cheered.

But Ding Hao slightly shook his head.

Young men are so naïve.

He had not thought that this beard Head Teacher even after possessing this much strength, his vision still be this very sharp, in front of this sturdy beard man, all the disciples here are simply just toddlers, first he had shown that he had randomly pointed out 10 disciples but in fact these 10 disciples are the strongest among the 400 disciples

Zhuo Yifeng and others are clearly thinking that they have won the right of a fair fight, but in fact, they had helped this head teacher to pushed the boat along with him, using this opportunity, the teacher had set up a prestige for ten disciples on the arena that he had chosen.

“I will be the first one to come and I will challenge him.”

Zhuo Yifeng can't wait to jump, looking extremely arrogant, directly had aimed at Ding Hao.






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