e part of it perfectly reflected the light, while others completely absorbed it.

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”Fuck me sideways! Guys, you must see this. ” Lith said, causing Nalrond to swear.

”I ’ve got no Invigoration nor a wand.
Care to elaborate for me? ” Despite the Rezar had worked hard to become less edgy, he still resented Mogar for not giving him a shred of Spirit Magic.

Nalrond was the only one in the group incapable of using Forgemastering spells and it made him feel like an outcast.

”This is how a purified Orichalcum armor looks through Invigoration. ” Solus used the tower ’s abilities to project a hologram where the world energy seeped and spread evenly inside the metal.

”This, instead, is how the purified Adamant looks like. ” The hologram changed, showing several vortexes where the world energy accumulated inside the armor, but failed to condense enough to form a proper energy core.

”After being treated with Origin Flames, the metal almost behaves like Davross.
Alas, almost is not enough. ” Solus sighed.

”Indeed. ” Lith pondered on the discovery.
”We can say that Orichalcum is akin to a cyan core and Adamant to a blue core.
After refining the core to bright blue with Origin Flames, I brought it close to the violet level of the Davross, but that ’s it. ”

”That ’s it my shiny ass! ” Solus said.
”This means the armor will be much more powerful than we expected but also that crafting it will be much more difficult.
Luckily, we have valiant helpers. ”

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Solus made chairs and tonics appear for everyone.

”You can count on me.
Just tell me what I need to do. ” Phloria said.

”I ’ll need you to fuel a few things with your mana, leaving Solus free to help me in the most crucial moments. ” Lith said, handing to everyone a copy of the academy spell necessary to conjure world energy inside a magic circle.

The spell was simple enough that even Nalrond who had studied fake magic from Lith ’s academy book, managed to learn it at a first glance.
The others had no need for it since their experience with Forgemastering made the spell second nature to them.

After making sure that the purified Adamant couldn ’t be further improved without compromising its stability, Lith took seven violet mana crystals out of his pocket dimension and cast the Bonding spell.

Each gemstone was as big as his fist and cut to resemble a diamond.
After spending the last few months in the tower mines, the purity of the mana crystals that Orion had gifted Lith for saving his daughters had further increased, but they still didn ’t have a tinge of white in them.

Lith had chosen to use Orion ’s crystals rather than the orc shaman ’s because not only had it reached a shade of violet so bright that it made him hope for the best, but also because its size allowed it to spawn new violet crystals more easily compared to smaller gemstones.

’Another flaw in my original design of the Skinwalker armor is that I kept using a single crystal.
Normal Skinwalker armor are made of cloth, while mine is made of metal.
To tap into the Adamant ’s ability to boost its own defensive properties when imbued with mana, the armor needs a proper energy source. ’ Lith thought.

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The armor started to float in mid-air while the seven gemstones followed its every movement, orbiting around the armor like planets with their sun.

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