ide to obey the command.

“500mL of normal saline plus 8 million units of penicillin for infusion, once per day,” Zheng Ren stared at the patient and continued.

Chang Yue meticulously recorded every instruction he mentioned.

“Su Yun, contact ICU and request for a ventilator.
Also, prepare a sterile pack of tracheostomy equipment, we might need it when necessary.”

Su Yun nodded in response.

He would not waste time on nonsense in an emergency rescue.

“The curtains must be closed and the patient’s eyes must be covered with a towel at all times.
Try not to talk in the room and limit all noises outside the ward.”

Patients suffering from tetanus had an increased sensitivity to light and sound.
Therefore, any light or auditory stimulation could precipitate spasms and generalized convulsions, resulting in an uncontrollable condition.

“Use a bed fixation strap to secure all the patient’s limbs, but be careful not to cause any harm or induce ischemia in the extremities.

“Let one family member stay in the room and stand by for twenty-four hours.”

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Those were all he could think of at the moment.
Zheng Ren then left the room after all instructions were softly delivered.

He felt that he had done whatever he could in the treatment of this rare disease, and the rest… depended solely on fate.

Accurate diagnosis and proper treatment plans were only part of the therapy.

After spending a considerable amount of time in the medical field, all doctors and nurses would begin to believe in fate.

Fate was indeed very important.

Some patients appeared to be on the brink of death, but somehow could fully recover like a cockroach.

On the other hand, Some patients looked perfectly fine and could even perform the hospital discharge process in person, but they collapsed as soon as they left the hospital.

These rare occasions were not unprecedented in the world.

Zheng Ren could only do everything within his power to treat the patient with such a rare disease, but no one could guarantee the result.

When the others left the room and began their busy tasks, Zheng Ren quietly stood in front of the bed and observed the patient’s condition in the dark.

The muscle spasms visibly reduced following the removal of light and auditory sources.

‘Luck is on our side if she doesn’t end up with respiratory arrest,’ Zheng Ren thought.

A nurse hung the bottle of tetanus toxoid after it had been fully prepared.
However, she was having difficulty cannulating the vein in this pitch-black room.

Zheng Ren took over the cannula and brushed his finger over the back of the patient’s hand, trying to locate a vein.
Then, he blindly plunged the needle through the skin into the vessel and noticed a flashback of blood.

He had no idea whether it was due to his psychological imagination or the drug effect, but the patient’s generalized muscle spasms seemingly reduced following the drug infusion.

Half an hour later, the patient’s condition became stable.

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Su Yun pushed a ventilator over with a white sterile package on it, and Zheng Ren instantly knew that the tracheostomy equipment was finally delivered.

Even if the patient developed acute respiratory failure, she could still be rescued.

Zheng Ren sighed in relief upon realizing that the most dangerous moment had passed.

After leaving the ward, he returned to the office and saw Chang Yue counseling the family members regarding the patient’s condition.

She looked serious when explaining the situation to the family members in detail, which was unflawed after listening to her for a while.
Then, he returned to his desk and turned on the computer, trying to come up with a contingency plan to prepare for any unforeseen events that may arise in the patient’s condition.

The phone suddenly rang, emitting a loud noise.

“Reduce the ringtone volume of every nearby phone,” said Zheng Ren after locating an omission.

“Chief Zheng, Chief Zheng, look outside the window,” said a doctor on duty in the emergency department on the other end of the phone.

Huh? What was there to see outside?

Zheng Ren stood up and walked to the window.

There were lots of people surrounding a man outside the Sea City General Hospital emergency building.

The man in the middle was holding a big, red silk banner, seemingly with lots of words written on it, high up in the air, unlike ordinary silk banners that usually stated Xinglin Master Who Can Revive The Dying.

What the hell was this?

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