e the one who refused to believe it,” Lin Jiaojiao blew on her palm to warm herself.
“You turned your son into a spoiled brat.
You know that I was a nurse right? We’re humans; it’s normal to fear.”

“Fear? Haha.” Zhou Da sneered.

“Are you still trying to wrap your head around this?” Lin Jiaojiao said.
“You’re very lucky to have had such a smooth journey all these years.”

“What do you mean, Chairman Lin?”

“Only the ignorant knows no fear.” Lin Jiaojiao’s voice was as chilly as the winter in Sea City.
“If I were you… Nevermind, it’s impossible to save a lost cause.”

“Chairman Lin, even if we can’t be partners, you should have at least the decency to be civil.” Zhou Da’s face dropped.

What was Lin Jiaojiao up to? She would not bring him all the way to Sea City just to ‘humiliate’ him if it was purely for commercial interest.
She had nothing to gain from this.

Zhou Da was puzzled.

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“Old Zhou, I can’t really tell you everything.
Ask around and you will know.
I can only give you this much.
Are you coming or not?”

“I’m already in Sea City; how can I miss out on this deity you hold to such high regard?” Zhou Da trailed behind Lin Jiaojiao without saying another word.

Then, they entered the emergency building, one after the other.

This was the night’s busiest hour.
The air reeked of disinfectant and the sounds of patients vomiting and coughing incessantly.

“Chief Zheng, I’m Lin Jiaojiao.
Thanks for treating me in Imperial Capital.
I have some business here in Sea City and thought to drop by for a visit.

“I’m in the lobby; are you in the emergency ward on the second floor?

“Oh, sure.
I’ll wait for you in front of the emergency ward.”

Lin Jiaojiao hung up the phone and took the elevator.

Zhou Da was still doubtful.
He had been testing the waters on their way here, but he failed to understand Lin Jiaojiao’s true intention.

Was there something special about this young doctor?

Damn it! He instructed people to find out about this doctor before he left for Sea City but he had not gotten a reply!

His subordinates had been living so comfortably these few years that they had become inefficient.
He had to do something when he returned.

The humiliation and anger were all just a pretense–a business tactic.

A real businessman would never be so easily angered.

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If there was a profit, there would always be room for negotiation.

Zhou Da was deep in thought while he followed Lin Jiaojiao to the emergency ward entrance.

Lin Jiaojiao did not enter the ward.
Instead, she just stood by the entrance and waited patiently.

A few minutes later, several people hurried over.

There were two young men and a foreigner.

“Chief Zheng, finally we meet.” Lin Jiaojiao walked toward them and extended her hand, “I planned to treat you to a meal in Imperial Capital after I recovered, but Chief Kong said that you were busy.
When you finally cleared your schedule, you took the first flight back to Sea City.”

Zheng Ren was startled by Lin Jiaojiao’s enthusiasm.

It was past 9 o’clock.
Who was this woman? She had to be Lin Jiaojiao who had called him earlier, but Zheng Ren could not remember who she was.

Lin Jiaojiao was slightly embarrassed when she saw Zheng Ren look so confused.
Did he not recognize her?

There was a small possibility of that being true.

“Chief Zheng, I’m Lin Jiaojiao.
You performed interventional surgery on my ophthalmic artery.”

“Oh, it’s you.” Zheng Ren pretended to realize who she was, but in fact, it was the surgery that he remembered.

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