hundred thousand yuan.

The hospital administration then was hard-headed and fought the family for three years in court.
Eventually, the family lost interest in pursuing the lawsuit.

That was the exception.
Many patients lost their will to live after learning they had cancer and took their lives.

However… Cancer was not a death sentence.
As medical practitioners, they had to present the brightest prospects possible to patients.

There was no one else there.
The illumination of the corridor lights was in stark contrast to the lonely darkness outside.

They huddled in the unlit corner as Chang Yue approached the figure.
When she was a few feet away, she coughed softly.

This was the critical point.
The consequences were dire if the person reacted badly and jumped.

The figure was not startled.
Things had not escalated yet.

When it was clear that her approach was not interpreted as being hostile, Chang Yue slowly inched forward.

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Throughout the process, Chang Yue was incredibly calm and collected.
She reached the window ledge and sat down with her knees curled up.
Her movements were relaxed as if she was simply enjoying a warm afternoon sun on a winter day from the inside of the building.

Zheng Ren was thoroughly impressed by this junior doctor.

How was she going to start the conversation?

They were meters away from the two and could only see Chang Yue’s lips moving silently.

“What is Sister Yue doing?” Xie Yiren asked under her breath.

“Persuading the patient to not jump,” Zheng Ren replied in an equally hushed voice.
He was worried that any sudden movement might undo Chang Yue’s efforts.
“Watch but don’t speak.”

A few minutes later, Chang Yue cocked her head to show them a gesture, fingers to her lips as if smoking a cigarette.

Zheng Ren picked up her cue and got out his packet of Ziyuns.
He pushed a lighter into the half-empty pack and slid it across the floor to her.

With a surgeon’s accuracy, the cigarette pack skidded silently across the floor and stopped right before Chang Yue.

She picked up the packet and lit a cigarette, then passed it to the sitting figure.

When they accepted the cigarette, Zheng Ren exhaled in relief.

Chang Yue was visibly making some headway with the woman.
Zheng Ren saluted her.
She was truly a capable person, one who had once managed to lower the defenses of a murderous cheater and convince him to go to jail for his actions.


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In terms of patient communication, Zheng Ren felt that his abilities were merely acceptable.

Compared to other surgeons, he would consider himself above average, though not by much.

However, Chang Yue was in a totally different league altogether.
His communication skills were puny compared to hers.

Zheng Ren was not a good liar and definitely would not be able to hold a casual conversation with murderers, let alone convince them to turn themselves in.

This current situation was another display of Chang Yue’s capabilities.

On this dark, wintry night, snow piled up outside as lights flickered to life in buildings.
A life was on the line.

Their bleak outlook was slowly altered with Chang Yue’s ministrations.
She had an easygoing and friendly smile on her face as she talked to the woman.
The night seemed a little less dark.

Chang Yue was normally average-looking but now beamed with genuine compassion that made her face glow.
It was a likable disposition.

Soon, a peal of laughter echoed from outside and everyone in the corner was relieved.
Things appeared to be handled.

Occasionally, a patient or visitor would walk by and give Chang Yue and the woman outside an odd glance.

A few minutes later, Chang Yue helped the woman into the building.
Their chatter resumed as if they were long-lost childhood friends.

Zheng Ren felt nothing but admiration for her.

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