Dana, who was in the room, carefully opened the door.
Ahil, who was waiting outside the door, approached.

“Do you need anything?”

“Hey… this please.”

She carefully held the envelope out of the door that seemed to have just been written something and put it in.

“I want to send it somewhere but I don’t know how to.”

“If you give it to me, I’ll order it and deliver it for you.
Where are you going to send it to?

Dana thought for a moment about whether she could ask Leon’s guard, Ahil, to run such an errand.
However, there was no one else she could see.

“Please deliver it to the graveyard in Felice’s territory.
Please call the recipient ‘Lisa’.”

“Okay, I’ll take care of it, so sleep comfortably.”

“Thank you, Ahil.”

Dana closed the door and wandered around the room again.
When she danced with Leon, she thought it was a little stable, but her mind was fluctuating again.

She felt like she had to do something, but she was nervous because she didn’t know what to do right away.
So, Lisa came to mind.

Lisa also had a grudge against Rian.

The person who was now the head of the merchant group was definitely Rian Felice, who she designated.
Lisa hated the young nobleman.

At that time, she thought it was none of her business, but she thought it would help them both if she had a grudge against the same opponent.

“And… I’m curious about the reason.”

Lisa said she stopped by there once a year.
Maybe her letter was delivered too late, but Dana decided to try to meet her anyway.

Outside the door, she heard low and heavy footsteps.
As soon as Dana heard the familiar sound, she quickly turned off the lamp and lay down on the bed.

The door opened, and Dana pretended to sleep and closed her eyes.
Her body was tired, but there were so many things in her mind that she couldn’t sleep at all.

At that moment, her mind was filled with thoughts that were so complicated that she wanted to avoid talking to him.
However, to come to think of it, avoiding conversations was not enough.

In this situation, he would surely prioritize sex over dialogue.

Dana closed her eyes and agonized over what to do.
Now, as Leon approached, she wanted to stay quiet.
But considering that she was hanging on to him earlier, it might seem awkward to refuse now.

If I suddenly say no, he’ll think it’s weird.
Should I say I’m not feeling well?

The sound of stomping stopped near the closet next to the bed, followed by a rustling sound.
She felt like he was taking off his clothes.

“And… Now.”

As expected, Leon reached the bedside where Dana was lying.
Next, he would probably wake up Dana and kiss her.


Dana was lying still with her eyes closed, and he sighed loudly.
It was strange, but Dana, who was pretending to be asleep, could not ask about it.


Contrary to her idea that lips would come, a large, warm hand touched her head.
Soon, she felt a touch stroking her hair.

Dana was curious about it, she felt drowsy, and her complicated thoughts began to ease.
Then, when his hand fell, she even felt sorry.

The sound of footsteps headed to the bathroom and the door closed.

You went to wash up… I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep today.

Then is it after that?

Even if it wasn’t necessarily because of the thought of sleeping with him, Her mind was filled with complicated thoughts and she didn’t think she would fall asleep easily.
However, listening to the sound of water coming from the bathroom, she fell asleep without even realizing it.

When she woke up in the morning, Leon was sleeping next to her.
Dana was surprised to see him next to her and raised herself.
She was now familiar with seeing him in bed, but it was a little funny.
Of course, this was not the Grand Duchy.

Leon must have been tired yesterday, so he was sleeping well even though he was excited.
Seeing that she slept soundly, nothing seemed to have happened.
It was rather surprising.

When the hell did I fall asleep?

Dana looked quietly into his sleeping face.

Leon had no particular sleeping habits.
Most of the time, Dana fell asleep first, and she woke up late, so she didn’t see Leon sleeping much, but it was interesting to see him sleeping sometimes.

Black and fine hair were scattered around his straight forehead.
The dark eyebrows underneath and the eyelashes that were gently closed would tremble from time to time.

It was good to see the towering nose and tightly closed lips.
While sleeping, there was no frown or distraction.

Dana sighed in a slightly different sense as she looked at his handsome face.
Suddenly, she remembered the dream again.

The kid who ran around with black hair.
Even before she had lost her memories, a day from her childhood that she had already forgotten.

At that time… If I had continued to connect with this person.
So if we had met more naturally.

Wouldn’t that have happened?

She had forgotten about it for a while, but now she could recall it vividly after the memories had returned.
Dana stared at Leon’s face and thought of her first meeting with Rian.

* * *

Thirteen-year-old Dana Deniz was a little far from what people often think of as a pretty girl.

Until just before this, Dana ate and slept in a large boat.
She spent almost a year in a large merchant ship crossing between this continent and the East.

The skin exposed to the sea breeze and sunlight for a long time was rough and dark even though it was young.

The thick blonde hair cut by the sailor was short and messy at the end.

The place where Dana stepped on land after a long time and was led by Russell was Felice’s estate.

“Dana, stay here and learn well.
I’ll come to you from time to time.”

Dana looked like a naughty boy on the outside, but she was mature for her age.
Seeing, hearing, and experiencing many things, and suffering all kinds of hardships on the ship, she had no choice but to do so.

Dana was very disappointed that he was leaving her here alone, but she saw Russell off without showing it.

Life there was busier than she thought with tight schedules, but on the other hand, she was lonely.
Countess Felice’s only child had gone to the capital now and he was not here.

Countess Felice was taking care of her as she was asked and had gotten her a teacher, but Dana spent almost every other time alone.

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