13 August 2022,

8:30am In the morning I woke up and got out of bed, thinking about how to escape in this reset.This reset not only affects me; it also affects certain other individuals worldwide.


Thats what we called in this weird phenomenon that happened worldwide.

”hahhhhhh… ”

As i get up and make my breakfast, which consists of two boiled eggs and one cup of coffee. I then take a shower, get dressed, and get ready to leave for Safe zone. As soon as I open my door, I can see the neighborhood.

The clear sky, the cool breeze on my face, and the beautiful billboard in front of my house—yeah, that damned billboard.-,-


| THE |

| TIME |

| ITS |

| SELF |


Anyway I⁷ head to safezone now .

As Im walking, I come across to my childhood friend Kath, who has long, pure black hair, a shining golden eye, and a charming face reminiscent of Korean models with a cheerful personality

Anyway as soon i meet kath she suddenly slap my butt.

”Hey Kai, good morning once Again! ”

Thats correct once again. Kath and I are perpetually trapped in this Reset.

”That hurts, don you know? ”

”Hehe~ nice but ” *v*

I look up and see Kath smiling while also looking a little worn out. I ask.

”Do you have any problems, Kath? ”

Kath just smile at me say

”Nah, don worry about me; Im strong, ”*v*

”lf you say so, but if you have any problem just say it, im willing to help, anyway lets go ”

While walking, Kath and noticed a man wearing dirty cloths going right in the front us with bloodlust in his eye.

”Phewww ”

I say, but then ominous noises resound behind us.





”Help us, please! ”

And when we turned around, we saw a man and a young child being shot by a gun.

while looking it with we didn give any sigh of expression, Why did kath and i didn react when its happen? thats because weve seen this scene nine times in a row a row now.

Anyway After we saw that, I suddenly grab kath hands to get away to that place as very soon because that place will become hell later.

”What comes next, Kai? ”

Kath says as her face turns crimson and her hair become messy.

”I don know maybe lets rest some time and run later? ”

”Sure lets go to that place and take a rest ”.

The place we
e talking is an abandon contraction building, yeah i know its not that great place to hide but its differently safe spot.

Anyway as soon as we try to entry to the building the building collapse.


-Beep! beep! beep!

I open my eyes and glance at my phone it 8:30am.

”Really why the build suddenly collapse ”

***Author notes***

hello this is author-kun if you have suggestion or something to say chat it the the comment section and i will try to reply your comment>.< feel free to criticize me! and pls guild me! see yaa!

to be continue…..

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