
“Where, where are you injured! Go, take the medicine…!”

“I’m fine.”

He did not trust those words for the first time and examined every nook and cranny of her body.
Fortunately, Celine looked a little dazed and bewildered, but she didn’t seem to have been hurt by the monster a while ago.


Instead of answering, she pulled something out of her pocket.

Leonhard’s eyes widened.
The crystal ball, the size of a fist she had never seen, was split into several pieces.

“What is this?”

Saying so, he carefully touched the surface of the crystal ball.
It looked transparent on the outside, but the inside was invisible, suggesting that it had some sort of magic.

“Carl Lute would not deal with a crystal ball.”

The crystal ball was the property of the prophets.
After hearing the ominous prophecy against himself, Grand Duke Bernoulli, in great anger, expelled all the prophets out of the North, so it may not have come from the North.

Instead of answering, Celine looked at the pieces of the crystal ball.


Inside was a crumpled piece of parchment paper.
Celine hurriedly unfolded the piece of parchment.
There was only one sentence written on the ivory parchment.

[ Find the southern tiara.


A groan escaped from Celine’s mouth.
The ivory parchment, old-fashioned typeface, and even the stains on the corners were all familiar to the eye.

A rare quest window.

[ Celine’s Nightmare ] was a game in which all you had to do was clear the stage without a quest.
Despite that fact, there were times when the stage was so difficult that the player did not even know how to clear it.

Whenever that happened, a quest window like this would pop up.
It was announcing that the second stage of the true ending route was not easy from the start.

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Leonhard’s calm voice was heard.
Celine slowly raised her head.

“Can you please explain?”


Celine couldn’t help but hesitate.
In the meantime, she had been glossing over actions that would only be seen as surprising to Leonhard.

In fact, she could do that enough now.

‘I just picked it up from the tower…’

Even if she refused to explain it, Leonhard wasn’t the one to force.

‘…Still, I can’t always do this.’

Celine remembered the various stages in the game.
There were many stages that could not be seen from the North or the Imperial Capital.
In the true ending route, even if the stages were consolidated, they would have to stop by most of them.

Every time Leonhard was around her, she could do nothing herself.

“…You might think I’m crazy.”


Leonhard gazed deeply into the blue-gray eyes that shook anxiously.
His heart trembled at the realization that the shaking was caused by the distrust of him.

‘…Does Celine still think I would doubt her?’

Whatever her answer may be, he wouldn’t be suspicious if she herself believed it.

“You are the strongest person I have ever seen… Far from madness.”


Suddenly, a sad look appeared in Celine’s eyes.
Leonhard felt that he had made a mistake in his words, so his heart was pounding, though her words were heard immediately.

“…You know, I dream of the future.”


“Through that dream, I learned how to get out of the curse on me.”

“Isn’t that the mansion last time…?”

Leonhard’s brow furrowed slightly.

After that, I had another dream.
The dream of getting this crystal ball…”

“How did you get it?”

“Remember the key I found in the mansion back then?”


“Wandering around Tofin, there was a keyhole that fit the key.”

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“Did you see that in your dream, too?”


“And, now this?”

“Until here… I don’t know.”

His head hurt.
Up until now, Leonhard, of course, thought that Celine had only dreamed of the future when she was in the mansion.
However, had she been dreaming lately?

If she hadn’t told him she had a dream similar to his own nightmare…

“…The dreams, is it very difficult?”

“No, no!”

Celine widened her eyes.

“That’s because I’m dreaming like an ordinary dream that doesn’t feel difficult emotions or pain…”

“That’s a relief.”

There was sincere relief in Leonhard’s voice.
He stared at Celine with a more relaxed expression.

“I thought your dream almost never came true.”

“There are a lot of things that came true.”

Celine answered lightly but then realized that her own dream, as Leonhard would have thought, was mostly a dream in which he killed her.
She then spoke hastily, “Everything about Leonhard is wrong! It only applies to curses.
There are a lot of things wrong with that.”

He pondered for a moment.

Even though he had always thought that all of the prophets were half crazy or swindlers… Yet, Celine wasn’t either of them.
Of course, he wasn’t very trusting when she said that everything about him was completely wrong, but she seemed right about the curse.

“It doesn’t sound crazy.”


“And, as in that mansion, if there is anything I can help, I will help.”


Celine’s blue-grey eyes widened and watered from the excitement.

“Le, Leonhard…”

Leonhard was about to ask why, and bit his mouth.
He wasn’t foolish enough to know that the tears that glistened in Celine’s eyes were tears of joy.




The next day.

Libron Castle has been upbeat since morning.

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