dverse effects of succumbing to an illusion, the hunters steeled their hearts and forced themselves to undergo the grueling training.

Sun Mengmeng requested seriously, ”Let ’s start a new round of training immediately.
I ’m prepared. ”

Zhang Lie shook his head.
”You ’ve all just left the illusions behind.
If I send you back in now, your mental state will start to deteriorate—and I want to train you all, not ruin you.
We have plenty of time remaining, so let ’s go on an excursion. ”

Sun Mengmeng asked, ”Is it really alright to pause this training halfway? ”

”Don ’t worry.
There ’s plenty of training ahead for all of you—a continuous cycle of combat practice, mental resilience training, and a break.
We ’ll be setting off immediately. ”

Zhang Hanxiang was more concerned about something else.

”Brother, where are we going next? ”

”I ’ll show you all the farm that I ’ve set up.
Once I ascend to the third realm, all of you will be responsible for taking care of it. ”

A quick look at bit.ly/3iBfjkV will leave you more fulfilled.

With his hands, Zhang Lie split the air around him, causing them all to appear by the seaside.

The sea was a crystal-clear blue, its surface unusually calm and placid.
Brief gusts of wind rippled the water, causing it to break into a myriad fragments.
The sunlight gave the surface of the water a golden gleam.
The sky was an unbroken blue, with nothing more than a few wisps of white cloud in sight.

Glancing all around her, Zhang Hanxiang shouted, ”It ’s the sea! ”

Zhang Lie restored the cracked space behind him.

The blue of the sky seemed to meld perfectly with the blue of the sea, forming a scenery where the horizon couldn ’t be seen.

Sun Mengmeng asked, ”Zhang Lie, why have you brought us to the sea? ”

Zhang Hanxiang had already removed her shoes and was running barefoot over the beach, the waves lapping over her feet.
She shouted back, ”Why else? To have fun, of course! ”

Her face glowed with joy, as though she were a flower blooming.
Her dress was uplifted by the wind.
Her bright eyes glittered in the sun brighter than any jewel.

Zhang Hanxiang felt as though she had returned to an idyllic past, while Zhang Lie watched her quietly from afar, his smile fatherly.
He was the only one who remembered acutely that this was the first time that Zhang Hanxiang was walking along the beach with her own two feet.

As Zhang Hanxiang felt the icy bite of the water, she shivered and chuckled.

Zhang Lie said, ”Relaxing was one objective, but another is— ”

Before he could continue, a bout of howling interrupted him.
Where the sea and sky met, a line of black appeared.
A horde of genetic lifeforms rushed toward Zhang Lie, stirring up the entire ocean.
Waves charged forward, lapping the shore, sounding like peals of thunder, like stampeding hooves.

The idyllic ocean suddenly began to rampage.
The members of Team Zenith gathered together and frowned—none of the lifeforms present were weak; they were uniformly peak-grade.

They had instinctively all gathered around Zhang Hanxiang, hemming her in from four sides.
None of the members of Team Zenith panicked.
They knew that they had the ability to defend themselves, and Zhang Lie was there for them too.

Sun Mengmeng frowned.
”Why have these lifeforms appeared here, and in such large numbers? ”

Peak-grade lifeforms tended to be leaders of a pack, and it was rare to see two or more in close proximity—but here was a group of peak-grade lifeforms all gathered together! Just what was leading them, a disaster-grade lifeform?

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