al for the disciples involved.

The hunters of the Zenith Dojo responded effectively and efficiently, and it was clear that their training had paid off.
Even so, Zhang Lie frowned as he looked toward the bug nest, where six humanoids had just appeared.

These humanoids were even larger than the ones already present on the battlefield.
They were three meters tall, and the muscles on their bodies went even beyond what a bodybuilder could handle.

”Mutated bugs? ”

As Zhou Yinh had hypothesized, the bugs had already undergone a rapid evolution to counter the threat known as the Zenith Dojo.
These mutated bugs were at least half a star stronger than their ordinary counterparts.

”Seven-star bugs, then… ” Zhang Lie murmured to himself.

Even with the appearance of these bugs, Zhang Lie didn ’t intend to step in.
They were strong opponents, but he trusted in the strength of Team Zenith.

The mutated bugs moved with a speed that belay their size.
They vanished from sight; in the blink of an eye, they appeared before the members of Team Zenith.
It was only expected that the members of Team Zenith would be their targets—they were the ones who were most flagrantly destroying the balance of the battlefield.

One appeared before Fang Yi, punching forward with a fist.
Fang Yi blocked with his spear, but the humanoid bug was so strong that Fang Yi was pushed back, his feet forming long furrows in the ground.

The humanoid bug drew closer and punched forward once more.

Fang Yi launched his spear, crackling with wind and lightning, with incredible force.
It sent wind howling and lightning flashing through the sky.
He thrust his spear forward, so quickly it left dozens of afterimages in all directions.

Astoundingly, the mutated bug managed to catch the tip of Fang Yi ’s spear with its bare hands, forcibly stopping the attack.

Although the bug was only gripping the spearhead with one palm, Fang Yi felt as though he were trying to crack a diamond with his spear.
It was completely stuck in place; he couldn ’t move it at all.

”[Heaven ’s Judgment]! ” As he infused genetic energy into his spear, wind and storm began to wrap around it.
The combination of the elements generated a frightening force that seemed to be able to penetrate space, allowing Fang Yi to forcibly free his spear from the humanoid bug ’s grip.

The humanoid bug whirled around and sent its arm flying horizontally in an arc around itself.

”[Floating Clouds]! ” Fang Yi drew back with his movement technique, turning illusory for a mere moment.

”[Heaven ’s Judgment]! [Tiger ’s Howl, Dragon ’s Bellow]! ” A dragon ’s roar resounded through the air like peals of thunder.
Wind and storm combined and crackled at the tip of Fang Yi ’s spear, and a howling gale manifested around him.

Fang Yi leveled his spear.
Wind and lightning surged forth.

The mutated bug held its palms up.
The next moment, Fang Yi was shocked stiff.

Even Zhang Lie, watching the battle play out from his vantage point, was so surprised that he turned pale.

The mutated bugs had activated some form of genetic energy, a sticky, ink-green fluid that looked somehow wrong, a disgrace to physical reality.

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The killing intent in Zhang Lie ’s gaze deepened.

Fang Yi ’s spear, imbued with the power of wind and storm, clashed against the mutated bugs ’ palms brimming with genetic energy.
The resulting explosion blew apart the disciples and bugs in the vicinity, leaving just a single hunter and bug clashing against one another.

The spear didn ’t pierce through the palms, but neither did the palms manage to quell the wind and storm powering the spear.
The two combatants drew apart.

”[Floating Clouds]! ” The wind and lightning formed a loop around Fang Yi ’s body, then pushed Fang Yi back as though it were a rocket thruster.

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