You are My Euphoriant

You are My Euphoriant

You are My Euphoriant

12 Chapters Ongoing Status
Last Update August 13, 2022

You are My Euphoriant is The Anna_TBMcreation,The novel is mainly about"Uhm sir, I came to get your signature on these shipping documents so I can get access to the seaport and make my investigations on the case regarding the stolen containers " Alicia said looking at him. Jason dropped the file he was reading, collected the one she gave him and was intensely reading the content of the files. He looked at her and caught her glaring at him so he asked her with a raise brow," Whats with that look? ", " Uhm sir I have been standing for the past twenty minutes and my knees are aching badly, can I sit down while you e still checking the files? " Alicia asked with pleading eyes. Jason averted his blue eyes from her and told her while looking at the files " It hasn been long since you came so keep on standing till I am done "he said seriously."This arrogant man is also wicked, Kelly was right all along and I defended him without knowing him, he looks like a sweet angel but he is a devil in disguise " Alicia mused to herself. After reading and signing the papers Read Novel


You are My Euphoriant is The Anna_TBMcreation,The novel is mainly about"Uhm sir, I came to get your signature on these shipping documents so I can get access to the seaport and make my investigations on the case regarding the stolen containers " Alicia said looking at him. Jason dropped the file he was reading, collected the one she gave him and was intensely reading the content of the files. He looked at her and caught her glaring at him so he asked her with a raise brow," Whats with that look? ", " Uhm sir I have been standing for the past twenty minutes and my knees are aching badly, can I sit down while you e still checking the files? " Alicia asked with pleading eyes. Jason averted his blue eyes from her and told her while looking at the files " It hasn been long since you came so keep on standing till I am done "he said seriously."This arrogant man is also wicked, Kelly was right all along and I defended him without knowing him, he looks like a sweet angel but he is a devil in disguise " Alicia mused to herself. After reading and signing the papers Read Novel

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