Dragon Spirit: A Tale of Two Heroes

Dragon Spirit: A Tale of Two Heroes

Dragon Spirit: A Tale of Two Heroes

8 Chapters Ongoing Status
Last Update October 28, 2022

Dragon Spirit: A Tale of Two Heroes is The MadKatArtistcreation,The novel is mainly aboutAn Explosion fills the sky as several birds flutter away in sudden fear. This definitely ruined their peaceful morning, in fact it ruined several peoples mornings here in Ryoko. Im sure of it."Someone! Call for Koen! Quick!""Healers! Come Quick! We have several dragons injured!"Young white dragon Shiro laid on the ground having been thrown back by the explosion of the Ryokos Hunters Guild, the headquarters for the best mercenaries for hire. Now such a building is left with a gaping hole for its front entrance and several busted windows. Dust and debris are sprawled out around him.He looks around in shock and surprise at what he had done and soon he sinks into himself, curling up in a ball; His white hair covering his face in shame. The nineteen year old knows he will never be able to pay for the extensive damages to the guild master or the city.Shiro thought he could run? But hes too weak to try after walking a whole week here after a two day boat ride from the Isles with nothing but t Read Novel


Dragon Spirit: A Tale of Two Heroes is The MadKatArtistcreation,The novel is mainly aboutAn Explosion fills the sky as several birds flutter away in sudden fear. This definitely ruined their peaceful morning, in fact it ruined several peoples mornings here in Ryoko. Im sure of it."Someone! Call for Koen! Quick!""Healers! Come Quick! We have several dragons injured!"Young white dragon Shiro laid on the ground having been thrown back by the explosion of the Ryokos Hunters Guild, the headquarters for the best mercenaries for hire. Now such a building is left with a gaping hole for its front entrance and several busted windows. Dust and debris are sprawled out around him.He looks around in shock and surprise at what he had done and soon he sinks into himself, curling up in a ball; His white hair covering his face in shame. The nineteen year old knows he will never be able to pay for the extensive damages to the guild master or the city.Shiro thought he could run? But hes too weak to try after walking a whole week here after a two day boat ride from the Isles with nothing but t Read Novel

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